Half n' Half

Half 'n Half By Zatarra L. Vulpe "Say, would you mind if I had a drink?" Nick just looked at the guy. The guy was too formal, wearing a tux and hair slicked back, silken red gloves over his hands and matching sunglasses, at night. Nick was in his...

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Dragon's [L]ayer

"We're here," Leof sighed with relief. "We've finally made it." "Well, not quite," Goding said, pointing up to a narrow passage that twisted its way up the inactive volcano. "We've still got a ways to go." Leof followed Goding's gaze and laughed,...

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A New Porpoise [TF/TG MtF Human/Anthro/Feral]

======= A NEW PORPOISE. Sloe 2019 1. Grant Mitchell couldn't remember how he had made it into the Swan. Somehow, he and his fellow fishermen had the best seats. Right by the pole with plenty of drinks and girls to ogle till morning. But no...

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Collared- A Catgirl MtF TF/TG

Elias grasped at the little pink collar, the squish of it against his throat threatening to scratch his skin raw. Whenever he moved, the tinkle of the heart charm grated at his aching ears. A cold sweat coated his body, a tremble deep in his bones. He...

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The Facility- A Cheetah MtF TF/TG

Tim disliked the Facility at first sight; the place and the people working there were sterile, as if everything that made them fully human was sucked out. If he had a choice, he would've backed out. But it was too late now that he had signed the...

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Sexy on the beach

It was a hot summer day and Micah was more than eager to cool off at the beach. The beach was popular at this time of year, but Micah found a spot an hour away from the city that wasn't nearly as populated. He was on vacation for the first time in what...

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The Gator and the Man

Random movie night was an interesting concept in theory, but in practice, it wasn't something Luke was going to do next week. It was a Saturday night and Luke watched a movie called 'The Princess and the Frog' extremely late at night. It was so late...

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Ready and Willing to Serve

"Shit, they're all booked!" Rachel said, sounding defeated. "Everything?" Eric whined, exacerbated. Jon, for his part, sat in silence, feeling powerfully disappointed. He'd been waiting for this concert for over three years, having...

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His Doll - Michelle

**His Doll - Michelle** By XP Author Ibran yawned, shifting in his bed. The early morning sun poured its light into his bed chambers. He stared at the large square on the wall, wondering, as he did every morning, why he kept the contraption. His...

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Eclipse Phase: Uplifting Experience (Dolphin TFTG)

Eclipse Phase: Uplifting Experience By Malic Explosion rattles the ship. I looked down the hall a final time. Nobody in sight. I waited as long as I could. The noise and vibrations ceased. Safety was earned with the flip of a switch. Only...

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I Wish That I Had Wolf Feet [Multiple TFs/1 TG/Very Very Short/Parody]

I wish that I had wolf feet. And I can tell you why. I could race through forests in wolf feet. Without a soul nearby to spy. I think it would be very good to feel my bare toes change. Black claws slicing through tennis shoes until wearing...

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the Eternal Lover Chapter 2

"Okay then, careful here." Ruco warned as he slowly slid the raw pizza off the pan and into the wood oven. He closed the door and watched happily as smoke billowed out the stack. Proud of himself, he turned to Vaulix and smiled. "Now that the pizza's...

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