My First Crush pt7
//Hey guys sorry it was so long before i made a new one but i didn't really know what to put in this chapter... hope u like this one. We were walking around the mall and I was trying to find something to cheer my tiger up. We would have...
Pool Day
They make for a bit of a contrast, lioness and hyena hanging out at the side of the pool watching a wolf cub swim, but as angel would be the first to make the distinction, she's an english lioness, as much as rachael's an english hyena, despite her distinctive
Ty - Chapter 2.5 - Nick's Dance
He quickly glanced around and saw another tiger, a bear, and a lion lighting up in the corner.
Max Gets Caught
It depicted a female lion lying on a couch with a male lion mounting her on top.
The lioness snorted, her tail lashing the air in annoyance of the whole situation. well not unless she did him a... 'favor'. she was desperate for advancement, but not that desperate.
Put the beer in front of the lioness, the soda in front of his son and poured himself some wine. "may i?" he handed his glass to her. she sipped, swirled it around.. swallowed. offered it to rande.
The lion came out, yawning.. "what now?" the stallion put his lovers in front of him. "dominic mckahl. by clanright i, brun padiwerh, declare i wish to handfast paulis and maria with myself." the lion scratched his rump..
Forever Young (Part 1 of ?)
He had a fairly typical body for a sixteen year old lion. he was not overly muscular, but he wasn't out of shape by any means.
The Easy Way
The lioness sneered at the thought of her ex-mistress.
Lion King III: The Pridelands Reborn: Chapter VII
#7 of lion king iii: pridelands reborn **chapter vii: revival** **brasta's pov:** i stood over strike, panicking slightly; i normally just take charge in a crisis, but the shock of seeing him like that, combined with the revelation that my mother's
The lioness purred as she stroked hunter's mane, keeping the lion's muzzle on her breast as his belly continued to fill with her milk. hunter could not escape the sensations of being warm and safe in his mom's lap, like a small cub.
Lantaria: Search for Enlightenment. Ep1. The Finding
So, what more dangerous than giving a kiss to a lioness (or to any great cat as a matter of fact)? lioness: why do you kiss me? can't you see i want to...