Midnight Moonlight

"Yeah mom, I'll be back later, just gonna go out for a bit" the 18 year old, 6 foot bat sighed, then shut the door behind him. Lux was wearing some tattered black pants that blended into his fur, his shirt was plain and gray. He took a deep breath,...

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Interrogation Treatment

For many hardworking furs their most favorite part of their job is going home. The day was coming to an end and the department was preparing the police vehicles for the night officers. But for very tall mare it was punch out time. In Dawn's mind she...

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Andrew's Pet

She didn't seem bothered by the size difference, and the look on her face told andrew that she was enjoying this jus as much as he was, if not more.

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Paying the Bill

It was early morning in the large village, roosters could be heard calling out to wake up, only a few people moving around, preparing themselves for the day by shopping for food and other items.  The loudest noise was easily that of the local smithing...

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SkyLand * chapter 1*

So here it is, the 18 bijjilionth remake of this is story. Hope you like it ^\_^ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I sat alone, a cool breeze blowing over my wings. I...

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The Jack and the Filly, Part 4

[Part 1) The Jack and the Filly: Friday](%5C) [Part 2) The Jack and the Filly: Friday Night](%5C) [Part 3) The Jack and the Filly: Saturday](%5C) Part 4) The Jack and the Filly: Saturday Night [Part5) The Jack and the Filly: Sunday (with...

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The Black Bandit

I was never cut out for Wrasslin' myself. I had heard the rumors, but I decided to try anyway. Boy that was a mistake, and a blessing. I swear from where I was standing, she looked twice as tall as me. Her skin was a dark, blue-ish green, except...

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Midnight Moonlight Pt2

Got bored, so i decided, after all this time, i'd make another story, so don't nag at me about it people, i have a life xD and maybe it would be best to read the first one first Lux ran home as fast as he could, not very fast considering his...

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Trapped Under The Paw

It was a bland day for Silvermike; not a boring day, but one that made him wonder why he was stuck around, trying to figure what to do with his free time. University was done and the classes were over; he could try to contact a study comrade and see if...

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Hole in the Wall: The Little Things. Chapter One.

Warning: does contain extreme size difference. if that's not your thing? cool. don't read. "are you sure this is a smart idea?" most of life's horrible events start with such a question as if foreshadowing things to come. "it's fine!

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Untitled Vore Story

There's some musk, size difference, and safe vore. nothing explicitly sexual, but i still think it merits the adult rating because of the fetishes, nudity and general sensuality.

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Back in the Saddle (For me the Author, not the Characters)

The soft morning light seeped into the room through the closed blinds, gently illuminating the room. Placed in the center of the room, was the massage table that Victor was intimately familiar with after the last 6 months. He had stood over top of many...

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