Pokemon Team Valiant: Brother's Reunion

Sol's sleep that night was far from restful. In truth, it seemed like every night had become restless for him ever since he had returned to Azure. He was no stranger to haunting dreams, particularly those that made him see the ghosts of his past,...

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Chaos Chapter 5: Hydra

Sickle made sure the coast was clear before he approached the complex. Making sure no one was watching him, he pressed himself flat against the wall of the building, digging his claws into the brick work, and began to climb, scaling the vertical side...

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Chaos Chapter 10: Sol

_One hour earlier..._ "Keep your heads low, guys!" Volcan instructed his team through the scarf around his face as the smoke grew thicker, leading then around the trees and waving his hand in a vain effort to clear the smoke. Trees reduced to husks...

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Sentinels: Obscurity Pt. 3

The massive semi-truck rumbled along the highway through the night, loud music booming from the cab as it went. Inside, the driver was tapping his fingers on the wheel to the beat of the song that was playing, humming the buildup to the chorus while...

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Chaos Chapter 3: Prison Break

Sol glanced up as the guards made their rounds, passing his cell as they did every hour or so while he sat chained to the wall in the tiny, dark chamber. For months, he had been confined to this room, shackled to the wall by the cursed chains that...

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Bounty Hunters pt 1

_April 2016_ Winter had come and gone in Unity Falls, leaving the city fresh with the smells of spring. The snow was all but gone from the roads, clearing the way for the city's usual traffic without fear of losing control. All around, people were...

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