Chapter 4: Chaos in the Sky

A slight movement out of the corner of his eye, rod saw shadow place a single hand atop the emerald and saw his lips move.

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An hour later they were at freedom hq where a party was held in celebration of the missions success since this was the seventh chaos emerald they had just recovered.

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In The Night

Oh yeah, she stole his chaos emerald leaving him no choice but to agree to this whole idiotic affair.


The Gift": A Primer on Spirits (Part 3)

Really, an emerald eyed spirit just deals with life as it comes at em and doesn't focus too far past how they can keep going.

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Guest Lecturer

The world blurred with pain and emerald light, and then he was sliding wildly across the floor, leaving a bloody smear, his lungs choking with agony.

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The Other Side Ch 2

Instead of an emerald larger than his fist, he was holding an emerald almost as big around as his thumb was long. nurse joy waited until alakazam was holding the gem to speak her mind. "i thought you said half of it would fit comfortably in your hand?"

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Alternative Lessons: Chapter One

Their blouses tucked down into a pleated emerald skirt, hanging down just past their knees, a hole tailored in the back of each skirt for tails, should a fur require it.

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Fox of His Dreams

Her emerald pools searched and searched for the silver-haired man, but she couldn't seem to find him anywhere she looked. "you never heard of magic love?" came a laugh from above her.

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Chaos Pokemon Chapter 8 Cosmo

However, he explained he needed the chaos emeralds to make it work and being sonic sent them across the galaxy, it was a huge snag. thankfully we had another idea and used knuckles master emerald. knuckles-without asking i might add!

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Tikal's Baptism

Her gloves fall to the wayside and she watches herself in the rippling pool surrounding the master emerald, removing her hair bands.

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Tina's Story Chapter 11 The Man

Colleen opens the box; it is a fabulous emerald necklace, where each emerald is surrounded by a ring of diamonds. the necklace undoubtedly cost more than colleen earns at dmv in a year. "here, let's try it on...."

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Addicting Clubbing

"yes... if master croc sees us, he will be most pleased," replies emerald as black pearl's programming starts to flow into emerald's mind, overwriting basic simple things about emerald's old personality that no longer fitted into her new life long career.

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