Complications (Jo)
The white tiger sighs, "what to do, i don't have much appetite... at least i'm eating, you know." i blow at the cup of milk and take a sip, "so what's troubling you? guess it's pretty serious, considering that you won't tell me through the phone."
Memento Mori -- Chapter 1
He was a white tiger and had no knowledge of where he'd come from. we'd looked for a local white weretiger group but the nearest one was in alaska strangely enough.
Shattered World - Heartbreak
Ever have an idea get stuck in your head? One that simply won't go away until you do something about it? Maybe you have, maybe you haven't. Me, I get rid of them by writing about them. Most of the time it's a story idea that needs to get put down on...
Gaining Lost Time- Chapter 13
Chapter Thirteen "A Brush With Death" By Furry Sith Lord When we arrived, I was surprised to see Lou not wearing a suit as he was busy planting in his garden. He was so focused that he seemed unaware that we returned. I neared the...
Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Twelve
Chapter Twelve "Unexpected Events" By Furry Sith Lord I stood outside with Justin waiting for Oziah to arrive so I could go to the vet and Justin the library. Our plans seemed derailed though because Lou came out and began to bark...
Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Seventeen
Lou could have died the day he and leggo were looking to buy a slave cub because he saw a little white tiger cub sitting in a cage next to a white lion. he suddenly remembered he had known a white tiger and had been horrible to.
Evil Rises- Chapter Three
Chapter Three "Betting On A Winner" By Furry Sith Lord "Hello Sanic, how are things going for you?" Lou said into his cell phone and Leggo suddenly reached out and tried to pull the phone out of his hoof. "Is that Sanic? Let me...
Dog Eat Cat World
Most felines consider aren, a white tiger, to be the current commander while the canines are led by the foxsky tanio.
Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Seven
He kept his gaze on the white tiger he hated so much. "what you don't know is that my father arrived today and freed him. he is now a free cub!" lou smirked as he saw the displeasure on roni's face. "why would he do something as stupid as that?"
white tigers are usually fucking hot but he is super super hot like extremely hot like oh my god i'm getting horny over my roommate and now there's a thought recording app recording how horny i'm getting over my roommate this is ridiculous but yeah
My Slave Family- Chapter 24
Chapter Twenty Four "The Fall of the Doberman" By Furry Sith Lord After dropping off Will at his home and finally allowing him to remove the fake red collar he wore, Lou drove his family to the summer home they owned. He stopped at...
My Slave Family- Chapter 23
A white lion cub sat next to will in the passenger seat while leggo held a sleeping white tiger with the wolf's arms and legs wrapped around him protectively. lou climbed in the back seat next to his lover.