Turning the tables, dragon-style

Twice as tall as the biggest tree of the forest, with legs like bastion towers, the dragon was truly a mighty sight indeed. the rat was dumbstruck, whimpering and cowering behind the useless cover he'd taken.

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Commission Tasteofcookie

Did you really think you where some kind of noble bastion against degeneracy just cause you pretended that furry girls weren't completely better? well... maybe you could make up for lost time and look for dates.. after you woke up.

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A Commission Birthing Nightmare Ein's Heart Day

Both of her large elongated hands, with same comically expansive digits, wrapped around the bastion of her heart protrusion. she had to stretch her arms as far as snake-ly possible to by pass her hefty breasts. the mound was going crazy with activity.

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Into the Pit Chapter 7: No Home

Not the best bastion of good advice. "just don't imply it's her fault it happened," she said, "be there for her when she needs you to be. i'm sure you'll figure it out." she breathed a sigh of relief as an officer approached them.

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Der letzte Krieg der Menschheit

Die brutes setzten die eroberung der letzten bastion der menschheit fort,dem planet erde. mein name ist james heller (19) und ich bin 1.sergeant beim 401 odst platoon, ich trage eine schwarze hermetisch abgeriegelte ganzkörperpanzerung.

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Last day of childhood

The history they were now hearing was nothing new to any of them, but it was something every adult in their city, a nameless, isolated bastion of peace, was expected to know by heart by their twentieth spring.

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Staying Human: Chapter Four

When she comes across another hybrid, a halfway transformed wolf-man named bastion, her life is turned upside down. chapter four i crept through the shadowy forest as silently as a cat.

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This Corrosion

He was so pure, so clean, a bastion of honor and duty. except for those little black patches scattered throughout. hints of something dark, some potential locked away inside.

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Spreading Urban Myths

The feral fluids quickly purging the last bastion of human dna in norman's body, as the zesty taste had his own furry balls churning and spraying thick yellow cum from his squatch cock onto the thighs and balls of his maker.

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The Girl with the Autumn Fur

A bastion of rock juts out beside the lake, its proud summit unreachable unless, like me, you know the way. leaving our packs, we scramble up through stunted pines and clamber over boulders. she moves with a lightness i can't match but can appreciate.

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You see the city was a shining bastion of glory and hope amidst a wasteland of sorrow and death. but only people with money and power could get in.

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