Acquisition #2

laying back , pushing them out, it was just him and the sound of his breathing and gasps , and the slight sound of another also laying a clutch, moaning as well.

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Eel Relations

laying on her back, laying her eggs, laying them right, right into the awaiting teeth and maw of this water dragon.

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Renapony: Breeder

Mist lost track of time as she panted and heaved, laying there as her body began to work on expelling the foal... or rather, the egg containing the foal.

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Moon Knight Episode 6: What If... Taweret had Beaten Ammit Herself (SPOILERS)

As morning came around, news of a giant crocodile lady laying eggs just outside of cairo draw quite the attention. pics started trending online, memes - furries were having a field day.

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Breaking Point

(This story contains abuse and sadism.) A full day passed since Dr. Wu's abusive outburst, and Brett felt his stomach growing heavier. A full-blown gut jutted in front of him, limiting his movement and forcing him to rely on Eli...

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Misty fulfills a fantasy - eggs

"nurse joy, what are those for" i ask as i suddenly some how know "they're for your egg-laying and birth fetish right?" i ask as i pick one up and smell it inhaling the sweet smell of pussy. "call me joy and yes they are.

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Fun In The Nest (Egg Version)

She lay there gasping, barely noticing the second egg as it pushed at her folds. sensing the strangely erotic sensation ones more, she gazed at the round, smooth pink surface poking out from between her legs and reached down to stroke across it.

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Read the Fine Print (Dragon TGTF, Ovi)

Tarn was laying next to her, letting her hold his clawed hand and the princess watched with steely calm, a slight smile on her face. greta panted, growled and gnashed her teeth as the second egg pressed against her lower lips.

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Dragon Smuggling (Trade)

Those mages had me laying eggs right from the start, and they didn't even let me lay the whole clutch!"

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Developing Prints - Chapter 3

"don't just dangle your legs over the edge like that; hold them to your side, almost like they would be when you're laying down! don't lay down though; keep your chest up!

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Who needs a Bunny?

A nearly painless laying. but the night was not over, and before falling into an exhausted sleep a second set of spasms rocked the new parent... \* the next morning amaris woke up with a groan and looked around groggily. where was he?

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