
making fun of young boy in school, stealing some money from work, breaking a solemn promise... many shamefully bad things i had done in life.

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Sisterly Surprise

"sam why are you talking to me don't you know i'm the pariah of this college, i mean even the goths make fun of me, this will destroy the social standing you've built up." sam snorted.

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A Friendly Wager: Day 3

"and besides, if you got time to make fun of me, you got time to be doing a certain certain something else. or do you need another reminder?" asked mikemon reaching for the tape recorder.

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Highschool Terror (Part one)

I know that all the kids here in this hell-hole make fun of the way i dress, and that i come into class, with my earbuds in, listening to metal music." as solus finished what she was saying, mr.

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The Clockwork Falcon - part 15: Weeks 1 through 4

He yells at the guards to fix the tap as they walk passed, he makes fun of them for wasting water. the food isn't great, two meals a day of stale bread with some vegetable shoved in it. different vegetable on tuesdays, he thinks its on tuesdays.

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The Dream That Turned Real: The Canine Underworld - Part 9

"don't worry, i'm not making fun of you. i mean, you've gone through so much already." "good going, now he's not gonna be able to sleep anymore because of that." ryan told the minotaur before tending to his mate. "that was kinda harsh."

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That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 10: The Band Of Friends (part 3) :Torn Apart (part 2)

._ _"its ok. i shouldn't let the old memories of people at school making fun of my accent get to me." i said and looked down.

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Oversized Teenagers

Now that the two of them had grown so large that the jocks had moved from making fun of the two oversized people, to avoiding them. they'd never admit to being scared by them, their dumb hormonal jock look on life wouldn't allow them to admit fear.

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They'll make fun of me! i can't have that. i've never been bullied before. and that's not going to change. may/15/14 i only watch gay porn now. and i hate myself for it. but it's just so fucking good! why did i have to click that one clip, why!

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Night of Love

Then it hit simon because it turns out that some of his friends liked to make fun of him. "oh my god!" simon exclaimed. "i am so sorry! i dint realize it was you! my friends.. they're horrible to you." simon just stood there horrified.

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Links Chapter 3 ... Clean

They had all sorts of fun, making fun on girls with cooties and arguing about who had the longest tail. slowly the arguments shifted from who had the longest tail to who had the prettiest eyes, who had the best smell, who was the best kisser.

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