Voremon, Part 8

He, like his friend moments before, was being swallowed, whole and alive. his body slipped, smoothly, ever further in, until at long last he reached the base of its neck.

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An untrustworthy pair: Ripper and Swift

The hapless fox had been pinned to the ground, raped and then swallowed whole. this time the beast had eschewed the sodomy and gone right to the eating.

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Measures And Balances

With a head bob of the crow the duck was swallowed whole. finished with the duck it looked around the park. jeremy and his subject made eye contact. he stood hundreds of yards away but did not feel safe from his massive creation.


The meat had been tenderized until it was almost soft enough to fall apart at the touch, and then divided into small cubes that could be easily swallowed whole. "anyway, before you arrived i was teaching maycor some table manners. watch this. maycor! sit.

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Jacob's education

He wasn't sure what to focus on, the unique sensations of being swallowed whole or the tight, wet pressure around his cock. she was licking him as she swallowed, wetting down his pelt so it wouldn't stick to her gullet.

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List of predators, races and settings

By extending his long neck downward he has snapped up and swallowed whole many a person before they ever knew he was there. **plushie raccoon** - one of several plushie predators.

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A Day Off

"that old woman has got to have the nastiest flavor i've ever had to swallow whole. even the seven little goats don't taste that bad compared to her. if it weren't for little red riding hood, i don't think i could handle doing this story as much as i do.

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Hiram and Richard

The segmented steel plates of the horse's barding protected him from the fangs, but not from being swallowed whole.

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Tune Up

This is not a challenge that narsassus is unprepared for however as shi greets him with a kiss, before now opening wide enough to swallow whole the fat and drooling head.

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Movie credits

I moaned at the first suckle, so did he, the large cock head swallowed whole and started going down deeper before pulling out, process goes on till i got to a comfortable speed.

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