The Elevator Pitch
"no, condoms. i was told in health class, anyway. the heat and friction of being in your wallet makes them break down. i mean... i'd think if heat and friction makes condoms break down, that suggests a design flaw, wouldn't you say?
Reverend, I Yiffed Your Son
By: Ace Wolf _\*Warning\*_ _I you're under the age of 18 please refrain from reading this story. This includes the act of two males having sex -gay sex. If this isn't your thing, or if it affends you, you may want to leave. If you are a...
Sleeping without Blankets
We stopped using blankets, the nights Mattock stayed over. As a tubby skunk, I tended to keep the bed kind of warm all by myself; add a chubby roo into the mix and it would be sweat city if we tried to cover up. Of course, we didn't really like to...
Nicht ganz so steril - junge Liebe
Hallo Ist schon wieder etwas länger her, dass ich etwas gepostet habe. Leider liegt es in der Natur der Sache, dass viele Dinge eben manchmal dazwischen kommen. Nun, dafür gibts hier nun mal wieder eine neue Story. Keine Ahnung, ob die sich auch...
The Transformation Party Game
_Author's Note: This is a short, self-indulgent story inspired by a couple Twitter conversations. Someone came up with a game to play to do some collaborative writing/drawing, and because I'm a terrible person I twisted the idea into a TF orgy. It is...
All Hallow's Eve
Taylor rolled over and grunted as he woke to the loud buzzing of the alarm clock next to him. He reached out blinding, hitting at the offending device until it stopped, and then he remembered where he was. He sat up and looked around, not...
Below the Belt
(all of this stuff is copy written to Tbohn. Like seriously, I got lawyers on this.) ------ Below the Belt ------ Practice is a good one this night. Sensei had us working on our ground work; me and Mark's favorite....
Our Little Secret
Bernard breathed out a low sigh as he slid into the barn. His breath fogged briefly as the chilly air swirled around him and into the building. With the door shut behind him, it helped to cut the chill. Not much, but enough so that the animals were...
Insurrection: Chapter Two: Pregnant and Alone
Uh; no condom please." she noticed that koruak was about to rubber up. tarith put her tail on his cock and stopped him from putting on the condom. "if you get me pregnant up there; then we have a major issue. now; let's go spelunking."
Something About Cream in Your Coffee
All Kaith needed was one glimpse of the look the red-haired leopardess was giving her to know she'd been found out. Coming into work in the middle of a significantly demanding heat was never the best idea for the sabrecat, and it was all the more...
Hands-On Tutoring
Hands-On Tutoring by Declan Xavier Chris frowned as he read the texts from the group chat. Typing back furiously, he once again tried to make his case to the jury of his peers. If he failed out of school, he wouldn't be able to come to any more...
Bought by the Bitch 2: The Morning After
Bought by the Bitch 2 The Morning After For Sinister By Draconicon After her hard use by the dog _bitch_ that had bought her, Andrea slept the sleep of the fucked. She drooled from both ends, her cock throbbed harder...