Horny Dash Chapter 2

alicorn horn ejaculation tends to do that to most ponies" luna replied. "but twilight is an alicorn too and yet last night felt way more intense" rainbow dash said. "well twilight was not born an alicorn, she was made one.

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Chpt 8- The Proposal

The white alicorn eyes widened as she looked about the room.

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MLP: Rise of Nightmares pt 3

"blast those alicorn for sealing me here. they will pay for this just like azure sky."** _ _ **"but my queen azure sky is the reason you are here in the first place."

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MLP: Prelude pt 3

Another guard walked up beside the alicorn and whispered into his ear. "are you certain?" the soldier nodded. lunar however did not hear anything over his cries.


1. A New Home

"no trixie, the fact that you were influenced by the alicorn amulet is not an excuse. you put it on willingly, knowing its dangers. when you were rampaging through the town you knew what you were doing.

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King of Seed - Chapter 1

As an alicorn, you are a male. many mares, then, you should nail." "but is that, you know, responsible? is that really what an alicorn should do?" zecora shook her head, smiling slightly.

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Between Dreams and Nightmares

At one time, she was no different than any other average alicorn pony.

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Death To Nightmare Chapter 9

Then there's twilight, the poor young alicorn was going crazy (by twilight sparkle standards). she and her friends have been spearheading the search effort for selene, who was lost at her castle on her watch.


Star Wars/MLP Crossover (rewrite): Chapter I

_ _ the burly human flinched at the venom in the alicorn's voice, nearly stammering as he nodded, "yes ma'am!

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Chpt 13- The Gala

The dark blue alicorn lay asleep in a bed he shared with a white alicorn female. a soft knock came to the door which roused the stallion from his sleep. he lifts his head up and looked to the door. "enter.

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