
Freed of her bonds, tria immediately began to lay her eggs, which came running out of her many cunts like a stream and quickly filled the box she was in.

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Warm Places

She then curled up where she lay, closed her eyes, and tried to get back to sleep. the snake, meanwhile, set about laying all those eggs that needed a warm place to incubate.

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M-Preg Story: The King's Breeder

The King's Breeder for Heru by Draconicon Max could still remember what the village had been like before the arrival of the Dragon King. His memories were foggy, unclear, but they were there, and they were happy enough to make him wonder if it...

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M-Preg Stream Story 2: The Falcon's Breeding Boi

And you're going to be laying some eggs later." "uh, no. no. no. even if it were possible, no." "oh. did i say you had a choice?" "of course i do!"

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The Dragon's Clutch

"if you are not ready to lay, i will allow you to feast well and nourish our growing brood."

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The Birth of My Toyota

"i suppose," he pondered, "sometimes when a hen gets overly excited, she'll lay an egg, perhaps the same works with cars."

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[p] The Raptor Docility Project, chapter 7

Sarah groaned as she began the process of laying, squeezing out the eggs. --- a squeaky sound suddenly caught bells's attention. her ball.

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The New Breeder Preview

Jack silently walked through the forest, his chest glistening with sweat as he heard a bird call out above him. He smiled as he continued. Enjoying the feeling of the sun bearing down on his back before disappearing in the foliage. He'd moved out here...

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The Light Fury and Toothless' Eggs

Like laying a couple of eggs was really going to be so big of a deal that she'd have to rest over it. as the light fury sat there, she began to wonder what it'd actually be like to lay the eggs.

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Golden Opportunity

Why the fuck did every dragon have to live at the top of a goddamn cliff? Ares panted as he heaved himself up yet another outcropping of stone, collapsing forward onto the flat stone with a relieved sigh. His black feathers dripped...

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Lizards Lair

As my hands slide down under my full belly and caress my full hips, tracing around my thighs before laying on my slit. i begin rubbing at my moist and puffy netherlips.

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Paying for college

I felt weak and numb, i couldn't possible lay another egg, i simply couldn't! i gave a test push, my internal muscles barely responded, exhausted from an unnatural marathon laying of six dragon eggs.

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