in a wolf's body: chpt 17: living the dream? it's time to wake up

Everyone's voice was getting distorted... my eyelids closed as i battled to keep them open. tears ran down my face. tears? but that's impossible... i reached up to brush the tears from my face. but instead of my paws a hand with five digits.

Depths of Myself

Sound is one with emotion, and i'm a 60s record; taken care of and i could have sang a distorted song, but i could have sung nevertheless.

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The moth Chronicles #1: discovery chapter 1.

"you guys are meant to protect this insect universe from father, but seeing as how you are just a distorted luna moth with a girly color, it will all go to waste!!" "actias, your defense color is here," yuppie said and handed it to him.

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The Haunting

These wolves were distorting time around me, and i couldn't stop it. "stop!" i tried to yell to myself. but the other version of me couldn't hear me (obviously). if you're thinking that i somehow got out of the loop. stop being a jerk.


Mesozoic Park (Part 17)

A voice came through my radio, it was distorted so i couldn't tell who it was, the voice said "jake, you'll never get this park open again" "i don't need to" i exclaimed "i just need to save as many people as i can" "not if i can help it" the voice

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Logs from TeMC-672-23

Halfway out of his suit, a long dead human embraced frozen almost as if caressing the distorted forms of a pair of lizardfolk.

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Shadow of Loyalty Chapter 3

Rainbow saw a distortion emitted from the wing in a small wave. it hit the boulder and blew it apart. "that. was. awesome! how did you do that?" rainbow asked, giddy from the sight.

A Reason to Live pt. 11

Like water pouring from a bottle distorts the image through it, so did the solid stone distort. it twisted and flowed like liquid, then spilled to the ground and began seeping into the plateau.

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Smiles The Devil

I felt them reshape and rearrange themselves, forming 32 keys as other numerous body parts shifted to join them, arms and legs and torso being absorbed into my distorting head, fingers and toes forming the remaining keys.

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An Impossible Soul

A soft, crimson light began to bubble within the orb, sending shimmering lights across the clearing for a moment before mist began to flow in thick tendrils from within the slowly distorting orb.

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Falling to Pieces

Inside, they slumbered, the warmth of living inside marking them down as being somewhat lazy creatures, distorted by habit. only the faintest of shifting about marked their slow climb towards wakefulness.

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Making of a Burd Part 1: Making Burd

He screamed and convulsed.a distorted electronically-altered voice came over a hidden speaker "take your pills! they will stop the pain!""who are you!" mark shouted. "what the fuck have you done to me?!"

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