The Coon-Dog's Diaries (vol. 2 - Alfonz-Mackenzie)

So thinking back now, i can recall walking by the graveyard earlier yesterday and hearing a strange noise coming from behind one of the large granite-set headstones.

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"Daggers of Darkness" - Part 12

Lilith gently laid a single white rose before the headstone, and paused for a minute before standing. lilith went to james and she hugged him. "it is done, james. thank you for bringing me here and being with me." "it was no trouble, lilith.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 13

In the corner of the building was another entrance, this one however was wider than the previous one, a carved headstone in the stone wall above it was a sign that this is the final destination for every resident whose spirit decided to leave this world, willingly

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The grass here was always clipped, the headstones always clean.  the yard wasn't all that old, it only dated back to somewhere in the sixties, but it was part of the community as sure as the stores or church were.      

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Indigo Nights- Chapter 12: Illusion

Phoenix buries his claws into kyran's back, tearing outward through his lean flesh and silken fur before kyran disappears, leaving a puddle of splattered blood on the base of zephyr's headstone.

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Indigo Nights- Chapter 11: Paris

She glances around at the headstones, admiring them in the silent séance of the small cemetery. after a few hours, she falls asleep until the rain wakes her.

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Questions to answer

I made my way to james and saul and without a word i kneeled down next to my own grave and said a silent prayer, i kissed my palm and placed it on the ground in front of my headstone.

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The Story of a Lonely Demon Ch. 1

He got up and saw that he was in a cemetery, surrounded by headstones for a good while before the fence from any side. walking toward a gap in the fence near a field, he noticed that a small group of creatures were looking at him in awe.

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Life Changing News

Long shadows spread across the green field of headstones displayed on the monitor. the one with the deep rectangular hole dug in front of it was the largest of all.

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The Acerbus Wolf

She set the box in between them and i had them hold a flower along with a wreath over her mother's head, i began burying them and hammered an old cross as their headstone.

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2500 Days Chapter 9&10 (Gay Romance) Final

The first photo showed jacob's parents had cleaned up the small family headstone and placed white lilies on the grave site.

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But He's Mine And I'm His

I continued to tell him all about the dream before setting back leaning against the headstone and opening my journal and began chronicling the vivid dream. just as i was finishing i heard a small voice call out to me.

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