What She Thinks
As pokemon trainer matthew wonders around in a cold forest, his pokèmon starter starts something she may not be able to finish. the low winter sun shined a brilliant hue through the tall evergreen trees.
Everwinter Ch18: Principles of Forging
matthew returned with another glass of water, while olsen got up on two legs. olsen then took the glass, drank a few gulps, and whispered, "thank you, matthew." matthew made a humbled smile, and nodded, "no problem, master olsen."
A Special Message From FSD99...
(miaska begins tugging at matthew's crotch.) matthew: oh, i can safely assume that we won't find ourselves to split once this ends...
World Of Lovecraft
With that, matthew closed the distance and began to kiss the wolf again, still slowing jerking him off.
Double Feature: Snuff and Vore
matthew muttered a little uncertainly, more embarrassed by the woman's grand presence then perhaps the many cameras recording the pair.
matthew said. "i didn't know you could do that." jayson smiled and flexed his bicep. "save the showing off for later tonight." matthew said.
Fond Memories
He imagines matthew continueing to paw him off as he bobs at the same pace up and down the upper part of his shaft.
These Moments -- Episode One
matthew had his back to the door, so jesse didn't see him completely at first. "oh, hey. you must be my new roommate", jesse said after he realized matthew hadn't heard him come in. matthew glanced over his shoulder. "oh, hey."
Prince of G nation: Chapter 4; Recapture
If matthew wanted to take her as his heir she would have to get there quickly. but matthew made a huge mistake. he let her into the sanctum before she was ready and her neuron overwhelmed her nearly destroying her mind.
Two Dads and a Boy - Chapter One
I turn back to jeremy and matthew, wiping away my tears before saying, "i... i... i want to come home with you!" after i say that, i see the fox and folf smile, and matthew looks over at kayla.
Irresistible (commission for Tsarin)
Well, now he knew where matthew had been for the past fifteen minutes or so.
TBW:IQ - Chapter Five: Getting Fitter, Joining Clubs
matthew said, finally as he stepped away from her. "come on, little one." she did not move, as she mewled. "can i really trust you not to hurt me badly and turn me over to c-c-c-chad while i am here, matthew?