An Introduction to Hope and Despair

Inmates, as i write i can look to my left and see the desiccated remains of a ferret, and i can only shudder to think what awaits me as i look at his arms and legs, each joint torn out of the sockets by the rack the wasted frame being held together merely by scraps

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Foxy and Kitty- Episode 3

She had on a string bikini, and the scraps of cloth that covered her nipples and crotch were just that- scraps of cloth. everything she had to show off was out to be admired. she looked down and crossed her arms, blushing.

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Behind the Metal

Eggman dropped amy as he focused on eden, who was more than ready to turn his egg walker into scrap metal.

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J'Zel's Story

She pried it open, and inside was a scrap of parchment, with the fine, filigreed lines of a magically-scryed portrait.

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Tahgos, Master of Torturos

A wasted scrap of flesh, too scrawny for a bear to have any right being, and an overdressed pheasant who chastised her even while he benefitted from her day of whoring, walked together on the streets.

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A Feline's Hypnotic Vacation

James also had pieces of scrap inside him as having his head crushed like a watermelon by the motor for the balloon that landed on top.

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The Breegull Boat Part 3: Not familiar, is it?

All the things she scrapped together made for a decent impromptu bed, and the room itself wasn't all that cold.

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The Cage

The other creature was removed, and he was left alone again with only the smell of blood and scraps of his meals. another meal didn't come. he was being punished, and he didn't know why.

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Rags And Riches: A dragon's beginning

No matter how many times i heard my parents argue over scraps, or where they would get their next meal. it was just a situation that i knew i couldn't change, something that wouldn't change no matter how much effort you put in.

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Forest detour

The last scraps of evidence would be burned in his fireplace.

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Mortality (a sonnet)

#36 of scraps feeling particularly hopeless today. forgive me.

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Dirt Garden (poetry)

If i indwelt some luring scrap of land far from here, secluded, my own to call, i would welcome these same weeds, one and all, to plant their roots in my warm, earthen roof, just they and i, with no hint of reproof, and thank the thorns for making

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