From Hard Life to Worse

Chapter 1 The wind whistled over the plains as a dark shadow appeared over the hill. A sword strapped to the shadow's back shimmered with a pale blue light as it was drawn from its sheath. The shadow's chest shuddered slightly as it suppressed a...

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Can it get any worse?

Hey, this is my first time posting any stories. I hope who ever reads this enjoies this and any pointers would be great =) I woke up with a shock, gasping for air. Looking back to my little sister and brother seeing if they were alright,...


For Better or For Worse chapter 5

**Well I believe chapter 4 was a good success, so I suppose I'll keep everybody entertained with chapter 5. Not much to say but please read and comment, thank you! Enjoy!** Chapter 5 - Understanding Red's POV - I awoke to the sound of...

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For Better or For Worse chapter 9

**Well a lot of people loved chapter 8 so I thought 'hmm I think I'll try my best to make them love this story even more!' So here I am, back again and with another update. I know a bunch of you guys have been waiting to read this, and even though not...

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For Better or For Worse chapter 8

**Well I got a lot of WTF's from a lot of people about chapter 7, so that was a sign to me to begin working on chapter 8, and you go. Enjoy.** Chapter 8 - To give Your Life Red's POV - I heard footsteps, not knowing who's they were I...

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For Better or For Worse chapter 7

**Well chapter 6 was a good success if I may say so myself. I'm super fucking pissed at Damon, how DARE he hurt little Red, my darling Anthro hunk! You will DIE Damon, I'll make sure to drive a sword straight through your EYE! You stupid black scaled...

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For Better or For worse chapter 6

**Chapter 5 was lovely so I suppose I'll start with chapter 6. I'm getting a lot of comments on this story and I hope that as the chapters increase they will continue to grow! :) I hope you all like this next chapter, because here it is!** Chapter...

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For Better or For Worse chapter 1

My head ached, my body burned. I didn't know what was happening to me. It felt as if a thousand daggers were being continuously stabbed through my entire body. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, the extreme pain that came with every beat of...

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For Better or For Worse chapter 4

**I know it's been awhile since I last posted ANYTHING but I have been able to find time to write the fourth chapter!!! Yes! I got a very interesting review from a good reader and he made a valuable point, I do sometimes get carried away with the...

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For Better or For Worse chapter 3

Chapter 3 - These Odd Feelings **Chris -** I walked quickly through the forest, tears running down my face. I felt so terrible, I hated myself. I hated myself for forcing myself on him, for putting him in those situations where he questions...

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For Better or For Worse chapter 2

**Red's POV -** When I came too, everything was blurry. I could barely make out anything as I slowly look around. I seen a couple of white blurs pass by, but everything else was silver looking. What the hell happened? Chris' plan was supposed to...

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Dream to worse - Chapter 1

Menson was excited, he always visit near the town that just filled with Pokemon trainers getting gym badges. Sometime he'll see them with their pokemon out of their pokeball. Sometimes he is a little bit jealous, able to have all those friends, the...

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