My life with Blaziken chapter 12
It was mostly boring, but i made a few bad puns such as: that's a 'cohesive' story, and, now that's what i call a sticky situation. "shut the fuck up!
haven history, well, most of it
Some time later, a vampire by the name of clair undertones, (i know, its a bad pun, but thats the name she chose) came across it on the run from a set of hunters, she escaped in the catacombs beneath the church and began to look around after the hunters
The Great (Nerf) War of Plaisir: Afterword
Everything from nerf wars to flourishing to shooting my housemates in revenge for bad puns. also i have about twenty five of them now... nerf guns, not housemates, that is. i have a problem. well, i have many problems, and this is clearly one of them.
Sabhira's Daughter #14
#15 of tails of the khajiit in which bad puns are made in the sleeping giant tavern. | [!
The Adventures of Stevo-Chapter 6-The Land of Ooh,2010,Part 2
The ice king fell face-first against the cold floor and went out _cold_ (bad pun there). stevo ran and broke the ice lock with his feet, then grabbed the princess and turned back to crack their traps open.
Shadow the Hedgehog: Continued Ending
(get's shot for bad pun.) \*dies\*
Spring Break - New Year -
Both raine and nathan groaned at the bad pun. "you won't be back..." nathan quipped from the back seat. "hasta la vista, deerie!" raine joined in. "alright, alright," reuben snorted, then chuckled.
The Quest for the Holy Dildo #8
How could i possibly pass up such a bad pun? in which devilah proves herself to be the best succubus in skyrim by taking two men orally and simultaneously. later faniel gets off a bit. hey, even an angel - if in a mortal body - has needs you know!
Chapter Eight
_ (bad pun i know). but that's all a part of life; we're living in what is notably the most frustrating and confusing time of our lives.
Friends Got Talent! Part 1
"that's a bad pun and you know it." he said grinning still watching the watch. "shut up..." ren said shaking his head as he slightly sighed "are you going take this seriously because we can stop here."
Off the Cuff
"if we're going to spend more time together, you'll have to stop the bad puns." but his tail was wagging, and he couldn't keep the grin off his muzzle.
GOD DAN IT!, DAN (part1 of 2)
I giggle and say "don't you mean... god dan it" i laugh for some more and say "sorry, bad pun... had to, so what did you call me over here for?" he says "do you want to find treasure and get rich?" i almost spit-up and say "oh, god yes!!"