Lizard in a Land of Furs (part 1)

Sweeping his eyes across the crowd he could not help but notice the preponderance of wolves, foxes, cats and other notoriously promiscuous breeds. what then immediately caught his eye was the goddess, agamura persica, the persian spider gecko.

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Rat's Reputation: Redwall, new and improved

If you were a fox, cat, raven, weasel of any kind, or a rat, then you were cruel and evil. if you had an affinity for any of the latter species, you probably didn't think much of brian jacques's speciesism.

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Fursona Adventures Chapter 2 WilsonB. Greene Part 1

Dogs, foxes, cats and such shared the same seats but birds, hawks and such had their own seats.

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Morning Commute (Subscriber Reward)

The ram shuffled out of the way, staring at the still half-naked fox-cat. the doors of the train closed and it began to smoothly move off again.

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Goo-ing Soft, Falco?

He saw foxes, cats, and more that were completely made of a yellow, transparent ooze, and who looked none the worse for wear. he blinked, looking left, right, and center, trying to find some sort of answer for what was going on.

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Fursona Adventures Chapter 1 Firewolf Part 1

Humanoid wolf, fox, cat, bird and the hotel keeper herself of course who was an humanoid monkey. the hotel was called 'haven' and that it was. many poor or orphan citizens lived here, including firewolf.

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A New Me (Prologue)

They're a pretty diverse group: foxes, cats, lions, tigers, and me, of course. coincidentally, the train came just as i arrived and we hopped on together.

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TOKYO ZONE Episode 6 Cavern of Secrets

As tafu looked up to see what had tackled her, she saw a silver furred anthropomorphic fox, cat dragon like her with pink hair and the same colored eyes as tafu's. she also wore tattered clothing that seemed to be very old. "yukari-chan?"

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Curse of the Crinkle Crate! | Chapter 9

He didn't cease groping and stroking the tented front of his diaper as his eyes scanned the various infantilized adult foxes, cats, and canines.

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Twokinds - Mike's Night

foxes. cats. a few dogs. not sure about wolves though. ever had a wolf bitch?" "n-no. . ." her fangs flashed into view, "well, you're about to!" a rough shove from the wolfess had mike on his back, his head landing in vivi's lap.

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Tree: part 3

Whle investgating the wreckage, they'll find a fox/cat cub, age 12, badly burnt but still very alive, crying and wanting his mom and dad.

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Inside, a small fox-cat mix sat down near the counter smoking a cigarette. shi looked around and couldn't see anyone but hirself and a passive equine bartender who was idly cleaning a used glass.

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