The First Night

She grabbed a thick blanket that had been hanging over the fence. she sniffed at it first making sure it hadn't been soiled. she glanced around making sure no one had seen her and ran off toward her home.

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What Goes Bump In the Night. Chapter Five.

Ever since he woke up, with kenny half naked on top of him, he had been acting as if he had a terrible horrible hang over. which was odd cause kenny never had hang overs no matter how much he drank.

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Climbing Corporate Pt. 3

The lizard's arms lay flopped out to either side, his legs hanging over the side, and he seemed to be sleeping soundly, giving a soft coo with every exhale.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 57

Previously, it had felt like there were never enough hours in the day to do everything she wanted, but now they seemed to ooze along like snails, and this grim silence hanging over the house wasn't helping.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 58

Previously, it had felt like there were never enough hours in the day to do everything she wanted, but now they seemed to ooze along like snails, and this grim silence hanging over the house wasn't helping.

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Udder Cream

An eerie glow hangs over the street, the shadows of trees swaying in the wind highlighted by the bright moon. it's a full moon, and the quiet side streets around his apartment feel a bit unnerving under the glow.

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Loving Embrace

Opening your eyes and looking up, you see that some thick vine is hanging over your head. you stare up at it and wonder how you missed seeing it for several moments before another drop of liquid falls down on your face.

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Po-Mo Schmoes

He could already picture the four of them with a domineering appearance, their penises hanging over his face, just about ready to blow their load onto his face. he let the whole of his tongue lap up their sperm. he loved it and lapped up more.

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Hot Nights in Neon City

I don't even remember coming back here" said tiffani as she tried to not show her own hang over. kind of hard with a throbbing headache.


Tales of Airethe 14: Ganelon

This place is such a stark contrast that somehow, despite the things hanging over her head, she feels safe.

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Sheath and Knife: Snow Daze part 6

It'll ease the hang over a little." "i didn't cause too much trouble did i kemper?" alex asked. "not at all." kemper replied as he sat on the bed. "for a sheltered kid, you were pretty loose and sociable.

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When the nightmare ends when the trembles end when the eyes settle all i see is grey as the night hangs over me as the stars melt away into the water below the bridge my wishes drip, until not one stays the illusion holds me closer

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