Not Imaginary
Now at the time, i didn't think anything of my marmar having an imaginary friend named nightsky, and it wouldn't sink in for a lot longer.
Returning Moon
A man moves into a childhood vacation home, believing his imaginary friend from the surrounded forests within was just imaginary. i haven't written a story in double forever.
Easter's Adventure at Foster's
_okay, so i know i should be working on part 3 of my other story i started, but i have a bit of writers block :p i was watching fosters home for imaginary friends and started thinking, "why have i never found a picture or story of the easter bunny from rise
Imaginary Monster, Friend Under the Bed
"an... uh... imaginary friend." pop grinned. "an imaginary friend who kept teasing you that he was gonna gobble you all up some day. sounds monstery to me." he winked. tristan blushed deeply, remembering that too as the words met his ears.
Better Late than Never
Ridge murmured, recalling the name of the imaginary friend he'd had as a child. "you finally turned it on again." the satyr said, inclining his bearded head towards the moon lamp.
Chapter 1 - Beginnings
The main reason that he was different from every teen he knew, was that he still had an imaginary friend.
Your own imaginary friend; always following in your footsteps. when everything in life has forsaken you...look down. see that your one friend-your once constant-has not left you; nor will he ever leave you.
Sometimes, i sit here and ponder how my imaginary friend that i put on paper would act in response to an imaginary stimulus. how would combat would work if we could shoot flames from our fingertips?
He Who Would be Master: Prologue and Chapter 1 (redux)
His parents thought he just had a vivid imagination, or that he had strange imaginary friends. he got older and realized that they were not apart of this world.
Ganta is my friend's imaginary friend, he worked his way into my writing derp ganta watched as john sang to himself. "what on earth are you singing?" to which john sang louder. "we can be like they are, come on baby don't fear the reaper.
[PE] TTTP: Chapter 4: Grown Up
Why will karyn need her imaginary friend today, at 22 years old, when she hasn't for over half a decade? why is her mother crying? become a patron today to read and find out! trigger warning: mentions of suicide.
To The Third Power - Chapter 1
Meet karyn alloway - a young girl with a shapeshifting imaginary friend named dylan. she's always been different from the other kids, but today an encounter with some bullies will highlight exactly how different she is. want to read the rest?