Letting Go (Concept)
Why had raal let go... lechian slowly swung his legs over the side of his bed and sat there sobbing with his head in his paws.
Never Let Go
One clear night, I took a stroll to a 24 hour coffee shop, my blonde hair blowing softly in the light breeze. As I walked into said coffee shop, I noticed a young German Shephard sitting at the "bar" they had set up. To be more direct, it was just a...
Lets go back
She stands behind the camera, trying to get the position just right. The room is all set lit by an overhead lamp with a single chair and end table in the center of the room. Howling wind can be heard from outside. When she is happy with the camera, she...
Never letting go
It was a normal day in Mobotropolis as the people traveled across street to street to get to their jobs or meet with some friends and for those like Minerva some just wanted to go to the mall to hang out but not before going to the bank. ...
Don't Let Go
"please-- don't let go!" _i need this. i need to know you care. please!_ the man smiled, a twinkle in his eye, and rested his hand against the coyote's neck again, just above the shirt line. "i won't."
Let's Go Twitching
PART FOUR OF FIVE "Didn't fancy you as a twitcher," the skunk called. Peregrine looked up. Sitting in the sun on a small hill overlooking part of the creek. Within easy walking distance of where the woods started. Near the barbed wire...
Let Go for Tonight
'let go for tonight baby, let yourself in and slide down, let go for tonight baby, who needs sleep tonight? i need to let you go, let you go, let you go, let you go, churn down tonight..'
I threw the ring away
**I threw the ring away** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ ** ** I threw the ring away. It was unique, different, silver and gold twisted together with three small, clear stones. It came in a small, green box with a sparkle effect...
Chapter 35 Letting Go
"let's go back to sleep. i've gotten so used to you, i can't sleep when you're not there." "gotten used to me?" aina laughed as they snuggled down again.
I Will Never Let Go
These days pass by so quickly And all of these feelings are leaving me feeling sickly Three years seems just to far away But my faith will never sway. I have long since made up my mind I know that there is no one else I'd rather find I'll be...
let's go for some FUN!!!
A from day today was the best moment of my life.I thought i was the only one who has my fetish ,but i was so wrong."WWWHHHEEWW"I exclaimed running 5 miles to qualify for college track is not easy.i'm walking in the locker room smelling the delicious...
Mercy 5: Let's Go
If you aren't ready, i can-" "let's go." motungo picked himself off the ground and stood before mercy, "i want to be on the way before i change my mind." "very well then." mercy stood and whipped around.