Steven Universe: White Death

Then she filled her bathtub and put on a linkin park song and cut her wrists sexily, filling the water with shitty drepanocytosis full blood and faeces.

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ROss the ChickenFarmer

While on my way to my local penis pump store, i was listening to the usual mix of linkin park and fnaf songs. then, after seeing my local gynecologist waiting for his dick to get pumped, i got even more excited.

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A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 2)

Tobias recognized the song by linkin park, his favorite band, right away, but he wondered why ky was singing it so loudly. tobias opened his eyes as ky's face was replaced by a body pillow that tobias kept in his bed.

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Jay Fox - Chapter Four - The Way Things Happen

, mr chipper frowned "you know exactly what this is about, your assignment was to write a poem", "i did sir", the teacher looks down at jay and in a angry voice "jay, your wrote the lyrics to in the end by linkin park".


The Adventures of Nall Wolf: Ch.1: The Norm

He went back to his room to find "crawling" by linkin park blasting through the speakers, seems he forgot to turn the music off before he left.

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The Journal of Ryan Raven CH6 Questions

I think that is was playing linkin park's song "crawling". when brushed by my dad he said something but i couldn't hear him, i didn't want to either. i got my book bag and looked up, realizing who the visitor was.

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After School Activities: The Way Home

I've always been a big linkin park fanatic. "it's kind creepy in here..." i thought to myself, after a while. i just kinda shrugged it off, turning my cd player up. i really liked this song. i actually started singing...eesh...

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That Gay Goth Dog (part 5)

On the buss ride to school, i couldn't stop thinking about alex... or anyone. for the first time i was listing to linkin park on my way to school. last time i did this i nearly blew up something in physical science. as i walked to my locker i saw dj. after

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Redemption: Reminisce

. _______ song is property of linkin park. rate and comment.

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Max and David Ch4

Max yelled they are in his mom's car listening to linkin park minutes to midnight. then they hear a sputtering noise, they pull over and their car brakes down. david takes a look, the serpentine belt broke. "well, we aren't gooing anywhere."

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This is Life

\* lyrics/songs taken from the meteora album officially copyrighted to linkin' park.

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