Don't You Get It?
You have to accept and love yourself before others will."_ _she was right, of course, and after a night's rest i changed my status too. in a way, i lashed out at you. in a way, i lashed out at everyone, even myself.
On the Rooftop
Promise me that you'll love yourself no matter what....and promise me...that you will always love me the way i love you." tears fill my eyes again, this time, tears of joy and i choke out the words: "i promise."
Krris #11
Life and Death
To never let the world tear you down love yourself and love others. to keep that love and happiness in your heart no matter what happens because in the end that love and happiness will come back to you if you want it to.
Nice Cock
When you're the ultimate lifeform, usually, that means no one can be your equal in loving yourself. but, with this heroic hedgehog so similar to him in many ways, this was the closest the two would ever get to understand each other.
Love me, but love yourself first," crystal responded. "okay. for you, i will," kardonyth replied. "no," crystal said. "anything you do for someone else is for them, but anything you do for you is for you. you can't do this for anyone but you.
After gym session
"you really love yourself don't you wolfie? i can just imagine you admiring yourself in front of -" before casper could finish the wolf leaned in and kissed him, his tongue slipping into the fox's open muzzle.
Shiro’s Plot the Rise of Shira
"_ _"you love yourself above all else."_ _"i love myself above,"_ yells the former kirisha now shira as she looks in front of her to see not another shira but a mirror, a mirror covered in her climatic fem juices, and her wet saliva from her kiss.
"Cielo 69" (M/M Anthro Dragon Sex)
Tonight, i want you to show me how much you loved that dragon, by learning to love yourself.
Superficially Dating
"i won't get tired of telling you this, i love you, ellie, please love yourself too." "you're so corny." "don't be so angsty and give in already." she sighs.
Everyone But One
Before you can love anyone else, you must first love yourself. hope you guys enjoy this piece from the best bunny in the business!
Good Enough (Ivory Keys)
"i'll tell you what i tell all my students: be yourself and love yourself because there's no one better at being you than you.