Overflowing With Egg(s?)

The darn snake was trying to get her to take one of his amateur magic potions. "aww, c'mon! it'sss sssafe, you won't get hurt!" he pleaded, curling around her to try to offer the drink to her from a different angle, as if that would work!

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CatDance #12

While the magical potion did seem to restore her vitality somewhat, the big argonian remained unconscious. mikael tenderly lifted her head, then set it back down. "is it bad?" kitty asked mikael, not knowing what else to do. "it's not good.

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Mating for Beginners

"so...you mean...they're...like magic potions?" he asked skeptically. she looked up to him with a soft smirk, "not just /like/ sweetie...they /are/ magic potions.

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"rules out magic potions." i scratched my chin with a claw and scanned the bar for anything shadier than this idiot. nothing. "how about curses. you piss anyone off recently?" "not that i know of." "what do you do for a living?" "i'm an accountant."

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Changing Christy - Dog Days

"to be completely honest, it's a magical potion." "a potion?" christy asked skeptically, "well, what is it supposed to do?" she shifted, rubbing the spot once more, then froze as she felt a patch of hair on the spot.

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Khalid and Spiteful- chapter 1 (Spiteful's story)

potion that turned out to be lilac air freshener mixed with lsd.

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Ian's first school day

The first one he noticed was a grovyle that was sitting on the bed that had previously had magic potions lying on it, the potions were now in a box under the bed.

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Adventures in Dunwyn part.1

"blasted magic potions! nothing good ever comes from 'em!" thought gruffi as he tried to get away, only to have his wrists and ankles tied making escape impossible. "tell ya what." said ben.

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Tip The Scales

She also had a slew of magic potions and spellstones she liked to use to mix things up though- so whenever they went to have sex, richard never quite knew what he was in for. it certainly kept things fresh.

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Big Bad Wolf

Can i have some of your magic potion, mr wolf?" wolf chuckled deviously. "why, of course you may, my dear. but you'll have to help me make it. since it's your memory we're after, you are the one who has to mix the potion."

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CYOA: Love Potion - Small Successes

Jody reached for the little bottle of magic potion. it claimed to be a health tonic of some sort, but either it was mislabelled, or they had a peculiar idea about 'health'. "some place in texas. i guess i can try to call them?"

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Teaser - Love Potion #10, Epilogue

I wondered why she would choose to look so old and wrinkled if she really could make magic potions! "yes?" she asked, but when she saw me and derek she took a deep breath. "what happened."

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