Janice's Snuffing
Club meat grinder, where any cub with deadly desires could find their perfect final fuck, no matter what it was they wanted.
The Ruins of Toriel
Before she can waste your time fawning over your cock, you lift your hand to her throat, gripping and shoving her back against the meat grinder.
Spice Up Your Death | Entree Sized Comm
Grabbing cheerilee by the arm, he twisted it behind her back, wrenching it tight as he marched her back towards the massive meat grinder. "n- no!
DDD Day 9 The Misteria University Winter Castration Festival
You get castrated by a meat grinder. if it tastes alright? you get to leave. if it tastes good? the judge will give you a nice blowjob!
Capoline's Snuffing
#5 of club meat grinder three wolves show up at club meat grinder for a family birthday party, the elder sister making sure her siblings find their perfect endings before seeking her own.
Learnin' the trade
Uncle pen assured as he flipped on the switch for the meat grinder. and turned those big bull ball's into just so much shredded meat... glancing sideways at arn as he did to catch the young rams reaction...
A Sinister Deal
Meanwhile, her much younger sister was led out as naked as her sister and her hand was fed into a meat grinder, the young thing screamed as more and more of her arm vanished into the meat grinder and came out squishy red bloody meat that would be used.
Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 4
I think a meat grinder..., yes a meat grinder will do it. that, or find out how glue is made in this universe. either way, it will be done slowly, ensuring she has time to suffer.
Jesse's Snuffing
As she now truly understood, cubs never left club meat grinder... not alive, at least.
On the Beat: Chapter 1: Takedown
Danko responded, "i can only guess anywhere from ten to fifteen, sorry prime no backup on this run, i know i'm really sending you into the meat grinder on this one".
1313 Golgotha Street
Then after a miss from brutus has bullets pining off the meat grinder: "careful, brutus, you wouldn't want that coming out of your salary." "stand still, bastard!" brutus yells.