New Journey Chapter 21: Cult (X)

Must be spear pillar, the peak of mt. coronet. he wondered out a bit aimlessly, but then he heard something: voices. he couldn't make the words out, but someone was talking. sneaking behind a pillar, he tried to stay quiet and hear.

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New Journey Chapter 48: God

He was at the base of mt. coronet, instead of the peak. "i'll say. do you even know what you're doing?" soul said. seth's head darted over and down to find soul by his side. "you're not supposed to be here!"

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Eventually making it to mt. coronet. i braved my fears, and made my way through the long cave. eventually making it out at route 211. i made my way through celestic town, and then down route 215 and finally made it to vielstone city.

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ch 32 deadline (part 2)

Ruby replied, "we are on the very summit of mt. coronet in the middle of the sinnoh region. it was nearly impossible for us to get up here. we could've easily have gotten killed before reaching the top!"

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ICG: Ch4 In Which

Those fuckers on mt. coronet had no right to do this to me! why if i could get me hands on those sons of- suddenly, i feel a tingling in my hand- er, paw. i glance down to see a dim glow coming from it and it quickly fades back to nothing.

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Be Careful Where You Take A Rest

Only a day or two's walk from mt. coronet she'd eventually decided to bed down in the crumbling remains of a pre-war ranger station.

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I Caught God: Ch2: In Which Mew Sounds Like James Earl Jones

"yah, palkia and them dragons on mt. coronet really did a number on you." mew says nodding, "and before you ask, i only found you because when palkia tossed you out of the hall of origin you nearly took me out.

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Pain in the Butt

The ironworks was always occupied by someone, being the biggest mother-load of high quality scrap this side of mt coronet, even after almost two decades.

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Kangaskhan and Trouble chapter one

We started to walk and we entered mt. coronet. i looked around the dark cave as i said, "kangaskhan use flash." the cave lit up and we could see perfectly. kangaskhan was walking next to me and i heard her ask, "kangaskhan."

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Pokemon RP Chapter 1

**_chapter 1_** _run on pure imagination_ luca: it's a clear, warm summer night at the base of mt. coronet. the nearest human city is hearthome city. i start wandering through the thick brush at the mountain's base.

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[p] How Maylene and Candice Saved Christmas

Spurred on by the magic of the sleigh, they turned south and made their way over the peaks of mt. coronet. for the first time in the night, maylene's wonder started to dampen as she saw the massive bank of clouds ahead.

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Waning Heart Ch. 7 - Pride and Pressure

When we weren't mating, he would lead me around the base of mt. coronet and show me some of the good places to find berries and various herbs. he would always lead me around so boldly, like some sort of protector or guardian.

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