Callisto's Stones: Chapter 4

I need to use the bathroom. badly." the alien just smiled and shook her head. katja tried again, "okay... i..." pointing at herself, "...really need to go..." pointing at the hole in the wall, "...but i pee down..." making a downward spraying gesture.

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Journey for Espers - Chapter 5

I need to use the bathroom." the mage chuckled softly as he moved from his own bed and strode over to the canines beside. he made to grab his staff before walking over to his bedside and offering him an arm.

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The Fun Has Just Begun (Part 4)

I just needed to use the bathroom!" becky replied, blushing. "it's alright don't worry," lena giggled, "after all we have seen most of each other already haven't we?" lena winked and began to rummage through her bag to find her bottoms.

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The Undie Chronicles; Prologue

In the end, tyll never really needed to take them off, he didn't need to use the bathroom ever, and up until recently, where he was just beginning to explore himself, he had no reason to give them much attention.

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School's Out

She did have a faint need to use the bathroom, but it was only faint and she was, what, fifteen minutes from home? it was probably just safest to get home before dark, especially too considering that the young pup had recently gone into heat.

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The Origin

It was early morning, about 4 am and i needed to use the bathroom. my little brothers were still asleep (they were 10 and 12 after all). i went into the bathroom and checked myself in the mirror. i looked fine.

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Real Cowgirls Ride Bareback

He heard footsteps elsewhere in the apartment, so he relaxed and waited for her to return, figuring that she only needed to use the bathroom.

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Snow Bunny - Ch. 13

"i thought you might need to use the bathroom before i was done. just don't flush, okay?" "that's not why i'm here," i say. "i think i owe you an apology." "for what?" he asks. "for what happened last night. for taking advantage of you.

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The coyote's chest rumbled, "you're not the only one who needs to use the bathroom, open wide." with a smirk and look of complete naughty lustfulness, the wolf replied, "gladly."

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Moan for the Mug Shot: Chapter 2

I need to use the bathroom." i continued up the staircase. i did indeed go to the bathroom. i turned on the sink at full blast, or as full as i could get before water spewed out of the sink and on me.

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"do you need to use the bathroom? it's right over there." "i'm fine," she said. "well, alright... just know that it's there if you ever need it."

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The Journal | Entry #2 [Comm]

I had made sure to drink several glasses of water before retiring, even past the point of comfort to be sure that i would have the need to use the bathroom at some point during the night.

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