Papa Prakibak 3

Been a little over eighteen years since that day, i reckon." he sighs. "now, i always considered myself a traditional kobold. never wantin' to rock the boat, but i gotta tell ya, those ladies out there in the dragon's heir...? they're somethin' special.

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Rent A Whore's Replication Services

Near the back of the store, a try-it-out synth in the unclothed form of a muscular, middle-aged dalmatian lay atop of a velvet mattress, its legs spread open as a young rottweiler not a day over eighteen wildly thrust inside the synthetic canine.

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Ch 13 - Never Forget the Ones You Love

This one was held in front of the high court of carnivoria - not a trial leading to death this time, but instead a matter of life for three furrs who were now over eighteen and legally adults.

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Pony Boots

As he bounced in the air the latex in his ass changed shape to resemble the gag in his mouth, a large horse cock three inches thick and over eighteen inches long it thrust in and out of his ass jamming his prostate and causing intense waves of pleasure.

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Part 3: Bath time

Lloyed couldn't be a day over eighteen, faron had turned nineteen about a month ago. lloyed's eyes squinted as the sun came creeping over the small window and onto his face.

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Yaoi Fantasy Part 1

He sighed and walked over laying against the tree the young boy just barely fifteen looked up at the sky as he walked finally dropping against a large tree, waiting for his older friend, who was just over eighteen to come.

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An Extra Credit Exercise

Trax, you're over eighteen, right?" trax was stunned, but he still nodded. in a flash, mr. devereux locked the door and turned to pull the tiger into a deep and forceful kiss.

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Fade to Black Chapter 3 "Men or Monsters"

You do know that if you kill me you will be thrown in jail, you are over eighteen after all." "that's true." he was really giving up? daren lowered his guard as he saw him turn around, but then he turned back meeting his eyes.

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The Map To Everything: Chapter 7

The place was brightly lit with pink neon signs that read, "young men" and "live nude" there were posters of male felines, all just over eighteen, or at least they said they were.

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A Little Slice of Hell: A Virgin's New Calling

You are just over eighteen, thus past the primary age of consent. you are allowed to, shall we say, come into service here in section a157u-38-4197-56." the girl blinked stupidly. "section...what?" the penguin tapped the papers.

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Chapter One: New Arrivals

over eighteen? heh, i've got that down." he muttered as he looked down into the circle. being of many millenia of age, twenty-one to be precise, he would be perfectly fine.

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World of Flesh II: Coronation

World of flesh part ii: coronation disclaimer: the people described in this story are fictional, written with electricity from power plants that are sure to be over eighteen years of age. the people described in this story are fictional.

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