Anthropia: The Back Story
Even prey species earned special treatment from predators if they were mages, either out of fear of their abilities, or because the predator hoped to somehow exploit them for their own benefit.
No CGI (female) 8
Normally it was a breach of etiquette to eat meat in front of a prey species, but a-v seemed more interested in g's heat. she was straining her neck, scenting g's heat as she ate. t shifted from foot to foot.
Hunter Fights Mindy the Rematch
The wedding had him attend naked while everyone there were female prey species. with the humiliation he received he was 100% obedient to her. his cock was fully hardened like she wanted.
Respect The Law
Well, he was a prey species...and he _had_ made the decision to break the law... "stop right there!" she called to him, voice thick with a spanish accent, just as his foot touched her side of the pavement.
Lar: A Brief History
The predator species dominated the area, keeping all other non-prey species out of the forest.
Breaking and Making Soldiers 3
# he was in the exercise room again, but a different one this time, one big enough for more than one prey species. more than one experiment. theo struggled against calling them meat.
Always Affect You (2021)
species as terrorists.
Out of Pride Out of Mind
"well this interesting little thing works on the will of prey species. makes them happy little pieces of meat for a predator to play with." the jocks just stood there dumbly listening to alex who frowned.
Second Thought
For a prey species." "kind of? prey species?!" she giggled slightly as he stuck his tongue out at her. "see, that's what i mean. but... i kind of feel like we're going backwards here." "huh?" the bunny looked confused. "backwards?"
A Grande Ofensiva à Casa de Mármore
"O que aconteceu?", perguntou Max. "Esta música é tão bonitinha!", gritei, chorando alto. "E o que tem isso?", perguntou Apple. "Acho que ele é sensível....", respondeu Care, com ar de riso. "Eu não posso evitar, é mais forte que eu!", gritei,...
Wolgram's Search Part 1
Here were prey species, hanging out in the same area as predator species. this made me really confused, considering my pack would hunt and eat prey species regularly. it didn't really matter that much i said to myself.
Chapter One - The Combat Negotiator
Slater was the 'pride' leader of this splinter-political group, who wanted full hunting rights on all prey species again.