Shining Armor's Storybook Hour
He almost thought it was a mistake before his eyes caught, "by princess cadence (with help)." well, this was definitely a new kind of venture for her to attempt.
Earning Your Stripes
Late at night, in the Farasi Palace's many guest rooms, the Princess of Love woke from her shallow, dreamless sleep, her body feeling hot and bothered all over as she took an absentminded glance out the window. Groaning, she picked herself up... only...
The Moon need friends too part 25
**The Moon need friends too** Set after Season 2 of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, Princess Luna is still struggling to cope with the cultural changes of a world 1000 years in the future. Even though she made a few friends in the Mane 6 and some...
Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Epilogue - 19 - The Levee Breaks
**_Epilogue:_** "The Levee Breaks" Celestia walked silently in Trixie's room, pausing in the doorway to take in the sight. Everything was just as Trixie had left it, all impeccably sorted and arranged, with her books carefully piled on her...
Chapter 3: The Journey Begins: The Morning After
Luna stretched out a bit yawning softly as she opened her eyes, the room was dimly lit with a soft glow. The sun had just begun to peak over the horizon dawning a new day. Picking her head up a little Luna stretched herself out with a moan of...
Chapter 3: The Journey Begins: Ponyville Part 3
"Say it!" Luna begged shaking Cielo a little trying to get a response from the dark grey stallion. "Why won't you say it!?" Cielo drew in a deep breath and shook his head a little. "If you want me to, promise me Princess Luna. You have to promise to...
Chapter 3: The Journey Begins: Ponyville Part 2
Luna and Cielo made it back to town in good time and Luna was able to find her footing once more about half way back. Upon reaching town the two made their way to the town hall for Luna to give her speech, waiting for them was an agitated...
Chapter 3: The Journey Begins: Ponyville Part 1
The train came to a stop at the Ponyville station and ponies started to get off, Princess Luna and Cielo stepped off the train last having been in no rush to leave. Luna was taking her time soaking everything in. Stepping onto the platform, she took in...
Chapter 3: The Journey Begins part 1, An Embarrassing Morning
A light buzzing went off waking Cielo from his slumber; he had forgotten that the alarm was set to go off at eight so Luna and he could get a jump on the day. Cielo rolled over to his back in order to reach and turn off the alarm causing Luna to let...
Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Act III - 13 - Engulfed in a Fever of Spite
**_Act III:_** "Hammer of the Gods" Chapter Thirteen: **_"Engulfed in a Fever of Spite"_** Trixie sat upon the oversized throne, eagerly watching the entrance way. She had expected them to be brought to her rather quickly, but it had been at...
The Ball of Furrymuir (Part 1)
cadence she was there, grand but not imposing when shining armor came in her their love caused an explosion (singin "balls to your partner, your ass against the wall if you cannot get yiffed at furrymuir, you cannot get yiffed at all
Orcn?as Ond Fæder
A second princess cadence! what was going on? what followed happened so fast. the first cadence changed into a bug-like pony form, and celestia engaged her in combat, only to be swiftly defeated.