Never Sleep

How you have enchanted my heart sweet love of mine. i lie awake, and count the hours, begging and pleading for signs of life. this paper hath enraptured me, and i fear i shall never sleep.


Poem of a broken heart #2

I imagined your love, your sweet sweet love, from the large heart you posses, ever loveing.

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Sky and Sea

"come," said the sea god, "enter my domain, and i shall make sweet love to you, as gentle as the lapping of waves and as eternal as the tides."

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Fox and Rabit (a requeste )

I took a seat in the grey room, there was a cold air i removed all my bindings, from hat to the pants on my barest of hair my tail curled between my legs i found a warmth inside as i watched my sweet love walk in and take a seat by my side

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Chronicles of Elysium City - New Beginings #1: Sweet Child of Mine

Whoo-a-a-oh sweet child o' mine whoo-a-a-oh sweet love o' mine aneko gasped, listening to the words, touched by the ancient lyrics.

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Love Unkown Chapter 4 Reven & Yumiko’s Engagement

The purr and press in sweet love, snuggling into one another deep in love. yumiko's eyes start to get heavy, closing in the warm embrace of her love, her soul mate.

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Ode to the White Lady

To hold you in my loving arms and make sweet love to you, my one and only desire.


BX-132 Chapter 3

"sweet love, if i weren't feeling this sore, that would feel wonderful...but right now, you are showing me just how sore i truly am," rafe moaned, sounding about as bad as she felt. perhaps a shower would help her feel better.

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The Bellmaker: Behind the Bushes, Part 1

"now that i know you know how to make sweet love, there are some females i know who will really love to be with you. and the sex we had will always be our secret," she said. "okay, mommy," said truffen. "our secret!"

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Manual Docking - a Star Trek slash: Furry Edition

Data followed ryker to his quarters where they proceeded to make sweet love, or yiff, as data called it. then captain picard poked his head into ryker's quarters. "hey i heard there was a party on deck 8. room for one more?" "yes, sir!"

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Through Charlene's Eyes (Part 1)

I want to make sweet love to you, my cute and sexy sister", he added as i felt his cock growing larger inside his shorts, getting ready for me.

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Their tongues made sweet love as they pressed up against each other, and the virgin dragon felt the plush tits press against his chest, causing his cock to jump in his pants.

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