Of Mercenaries and Aventurers

Inside was one of the mercenaries, a powerful looking stallion with a pair of braids in his mane, as well as a braid going down his tail.

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Travelling with Mercenary

I tried to will my dick to keep flaccid, as it started to bulge in my pants at the sight of the mercenary flexing like that with such confidence. turning away, i pointed to the nearest potion shop.

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Commission - The Mercenary

The siege had lasted for days. Mortars had stopped falling after the first day, once King Abioye had displayed a few villagers' corpses upon his mansion walls. He had taken that, originally, as though the matter was settled and any further assaults on...

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The Rescue

\*\*\*Again, formatting got messed up, for some reason when I convert from PDF's it doesn't translate well. \*shrugs\* Anyway, have another one.\*\*\* IN THE SKIES ABOVE FIREBIRD, REPUBLIC OF NAVAJO 2326 HRS The ancient C-130 cargo plane buffeted...

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Nevermore (Prologue)

I don't hate my life, I hate myself. The first thing that they tell you when you get to Central City is that you will have to make some tough choices if you want to survive. What they don't tell you, is you have to live with them. They fail to mention...

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Current children

Maya's pups (first litter)Tom Junior: An even blend of human and canine features.April : Like Tom Junior only female.  Polly : Like Michael only female.Michael: More human than canine, but he still has fur over his whole body. May: spitting image of...

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Hunter and Hunted

\*\*\*Somehow, the formatting got way messed up on this, apoligies\*\*\* Natalya flew Akita Air into Portland, and upon seeing the size of the plane that was to ferry her to her final destination, she walked downstairs and rented a car instead. They...

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Q and A to clarify things

here's another little FAQ/Q&A ................................................. Are carnivorous Mammilians cannibals ?  Answer: No.  Though all mammals have a sentient form, they evolved on different planets, so for example a planet where canines...

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Nevermore (Chapter 1)

Chapter one of an action seris. Figured I should try my hand at something other than smut :p. Anway, sorry in advance for any structure or grammar errors and be sure to check out the prologue first. enjoy. ^^...

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Parabellum - The Beginning

Si vis Pacem, Para Bellum. If you wish for Peace, Prepare for War. It means, if you have a bigger stick, nobody's gonna fuck with you. Now, Just as thay always have been since they were founded, Parabellum is the organization that has been...

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You Can Never Go Home

It was a long way home. Evran had thought that, thousands and thousands of miles away, back in Tajikistan, before things had hit the wall. Home was nearer for Evran now, though. San Iadras was a big city, but not as big as a country. It was a long walk...

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The Llwycrau Company (Chapter One - 3,536 Words)

The Llwycrau Company By MetroFox Blaith panted hard, his hind-paws beating the sand, kicking up clumps of the stuff. The bronze short sword on his back rattled against the oval wooden shield. Wet sand stuck to his red and white fur, and got...

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