Death Site Prelude

Despite all of this death, despite that so many of us who remain once shared a common way, we have continued to act as the world before us has. i now have seen that pride fades when those you stood apart from are gone.


The Nature of Life - Prologue

Those of us born in the aftermath knew little of the world before. though our parents and elders taught us of what they knew, all we saw was the darkness of our caves and colonies.

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A Dragon's Path - Chapter Six

But they had been out to see the world before. they told her of all their adventures that they had had. skytail listened intently.

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Harrowing Dusk - Chapter 4

Morph looked up, the world before him was gone, all he could see was the spot on the floor where he was. the rest was shadows. he looked back down before him. a pistol was on the floor. exactly like the one he tried to take his life with before.

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Chapter 12: Is This The End?

He remembered the world before this happen and was wondering what was happening around earth. were they going to survive this and if they did survive it, how are they going to live? his thoughts were interrupted be seth, whose wound was bad.

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Land of Discord's World History

I don't know much of the story, but segara told me about the world before all this madness began. it all started when magic became apparent in some individuals.

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Drunken Rage Part 1

Turning towards the speaker, kyler did all he could in order to suppress the groan his felt like breathing to the world. before him stood his father miles, a drunk of a parent who spent the majority of any given week waist deep in a bottle of bourbon.

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Tremor City: Return of The Conquerors Part 1

Meanwhile her boy-friend, skarius snowtalon, a snow dragon, lounged lazily underneath the umbrella stand he'd set up, casually sipping his coke without a care in the world.

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Victernus - Chapter 20

They don't know anything of the world before! they don't understand art. they don't know music. they don't know what it feels like to fear for their lives or even what it feels like to breathe in the air during a thunderstorm.

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One - Chapter 1

the world before this one might have called such a world impossible, but to those living in this time, such an idea of two mothers was commonplace. in fact, the word father had not even been uttered since the ages long forgotten.

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Rocket Town

And as for your girlfriend, yes she does need a more modest dress but that's not the worst sin in the world."

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Savannah Blues part 17

And with a loud yawn of his own, stretching out long, arching back and lifting his rear high to the world before plopping down next to the hyena and fell asleep having already forgotten the conversation.

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