Dragon's Pride 5

Digitigrades are unique anatomy for a dragon, so it took 5 whole years just to try to mend it and make it moves like a normal limb. well, i'm not a strong magic user so i can't create flesh from nothing."

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The Vessel

Shi had some unique anatomy, internal muscles in hir shaft trying to squeeze it out fruitlessly, but it was unnervingly stimulating, and shi was full mast faster than shi could even think about it, still struggling to pull the thing from hir cock.

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Meat the dragon

His masculine scent quickly made her folds wet as she pressed her nose against the source, her heart raced at the thought of riding this innocent dragon, the idea of being with someone with such unique anatomy exciting her greatly.

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Summoning Trouble

Being a feline, juren had no experience with the unique anatomy of a canine, but he was already getting a hint of it, as greater pressure landed against his stretching pucker. "wh...what do you mean by properly?"

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Euthes RP

"sounds like you've got some pretty unique anatomy there. care to show me how it works?" she smirks at him, waiting for him to approach euthes tilts his head "oh the stance?

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Cero Dactyl Unilete and Anax Agorean Spectrr

That was when she discovered the potion master's guild, and was also when she discovered that their unique anatomy allowed for 'prey' to be stored in their tails, alive and well.

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The bard learns a new tail

It was a sign that she had released an egg, something that would not have been possible without kael's unique anatomy. he continues to move inside her, aristreia moans and writhes beneath him, her body feeling more alive than it ever has before.

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Read the Directions

The demon's incredible skill and unique anatomy was unstoppable. in the mirror, he saw his cock shrink, even as the sensation from it increased.

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All Because of A Flesh Wound

Unfamiliar with the unique anatomy of the vulpine, jacob watched as a few more inches of flesh emerged from the birth of the sheath, until the tapered tip came to rest against his quivering lips.

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The Cetra and the Lion, chapter 3

The kiss is sloppy, unfamiliar, and hampered by our distinctly unique anatomy--but when it is done i pull away, my tears dried, and i see him panting, locking gazes with me. "you won't be alone either," i return. "i swear it."

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Under Mommy's Wing

The unique anatomy of the avian kind was a surprisingly flexible and adaptable thing, and typically, a mating between birds would have been over rapidly...but this different approach was the kind of bonding that jason's mother so desperately needed to share

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Casey's First Time

Her dilators had the lucky bonus of serving as toys, and they were specifically made for her unique anatomy. a few bites of food later, she zipped her backpack up and sprinted out the door.

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