Warehouses and Consequences Pt. 2
This punishment made me love having my urethra penetrated... so... c-can i..." "heh. does my pet want me to add sounding to our regiment?"
Ark 2
The victim could feel his urethra penetrated by the goo. and fuck this, writing as though it happened to someone else isn't working. i was screaming, thrashing about, terrified out of my gourd. but the fucking evil stuff somehow made me orgasm.
Cybra's Efficiency
It lacked the 'moving' spheres lining the internal, urethra-penetrating rod, but had a few other things going for it.
With This Hoard, I Thee Wed
Any discomfort from having his urethra penetrated was soon eliminated as his cock was brought to its full girth. in short order, it seemed to grow beyond that, as though being pumped full of fluids in its own right.
Good Deeds
It had been a while since she'd last enjoyed a proper urethra-penetration. even the most modestly-equipped dragon in the utopia was simply too big for it to be an option, and she'd had no human-sized lovers with the right equipment.