King of Seed - Chapter 2.3
vinyl scratch responded, fistbumping her. "you come up to party?" terra asked her. "well, duh.
I love the wubs
Not that stops her from loving the wubs it just longer wubs don't come on vinyl, but vinyl scratch knows where to find better and stranger wubs. ~the end~
Les Salon de Petite Morte - Chapter 1
He looked down at a clipboard, "octavia is something something vinyl scratch and probably won't arrive for another half hour" fleur laughed now, and fancy gave a small chuckle as well, "something something vinyl scratch?
To Boldly Hoof It Ch 1. Prologue
In other news," the voice of vinyl scratch on the radio spoke, "ponies are still baffled by the unusual occurrences as of late.
19: Breakout
_a peaceful night at the canterlot orchestra's performance quickly turned into a nightmare of unprecedented proportion as renowned musician vinyl scratch, aka dj pon-3, went on an unexplained rampage through the city of los pegasus.
27: Investigation
On the cover of the disc case was vinyl scratch, who had a stallion's cock in one hoof while she licked at the rod that octavia had just glimpsed before.
Welcome To Equestria: Chapter 5
vinyl scratch shouted as the music died down on the last track. "time for some awesome pony games." she announced with a laugh. pinkie took over with a smile and nod to the dj. "okie-dokie everypony.
Chapter 13: Doing It With Class
_The night before Blueblood's punishment began..._ Octavia arrived home at around eleven o'clock at night. Her orchestra recital had gone much later than she'd anticipated, and she was quite irritated about it. Vinyl was busy playing at one of her...
05: That Intimate Moment
The mailbox out front had the same musical note that vinyl scratch had for a cutie mark, but without that mailbox starshadow would have never guessed that vinyl lived there.
Pinkie Pie's Lucky Thirteen
Pinkie pie looked down between her legs where she was grinding her own dripping nether regions and swollen clit against vinyl scratch's own.
To Boldly Hoof It Ch 19. Mistakes! Mistakes Everywhere!
Said applejack, staring at pinkie with wide eyes...................meanwhile, at a radio station near ponyville, vinyl scratch and octavia were hiding under a desk because of all the chaos that was going on outside."
13: That Price to Pay
Starshadow and Starsong spent all day at Sweet Apple Acres with Big Mac and his family. The two families took the short amount of time to get to know each other a bit better. The Apple family was an extremely generous and gracious host, and Starshadow...