[21] Kovux Entry #402 - Remnants
Kovux: i'll let ac talk to you on that bit. \
AC Unit (Part 1 of ?)
Winner gets free drinks and a brand new ac unit." "ac unit huh?" truth be told, it was star who broke the ac. he went over to go turn it on one day and he had accidentally pressed the power button too hard.
[15] Log #3514 - The Ralkai
But, ac did not do it intentionally. s wyre: we can't have ac going around like this if he's unstable, edmund! p stimond: we have already made arrangements and set up precautions to prevent situations like this in the future.
In the midst of all of this, not all of the anasian houses in the ac have dropped the feudal system, and the royal families of these houses have formed a strong and vocal minority of traditionalists within the ac.
Armored Core: Darkest Days.
"let's pit him head to head with an ac next." i explained to james. "wait! what the hell do you mean an ac next!?!" i heard adam blurt out over the radio. "an ac next? tom i don't have those kinds of training programs in here.
College Freshfox
However, nh ac is like all acs an individuum.
[9] Log #3506 - Something Wicked...
Before i could glance away, my eyes caught the attention of ac as he suddenly slammed the pen back down onto its receptacle. the very action of it sent a loud echoing clank throughout the entire room.
A Movable Fortress
Now he had to alert the ac department of environmental affairs to the finding!
Triad's Sci-Fi Furry Book Chapter Two (Draft)
The other two areas contain the rest of the ac's population. the acquired zone borders and surrounds the first two zones, and is made of territory that the ac acquired at some point through war or alliances.
WtV: Timeline
One of the safeguards against an ai - or rather ac as the tigers distinguish between the two types by then - going rogue actually alleviates this issue. a subconsciousness for the ac.
Payment in Kind
Wiping his brow on the back of one burly arm, snap peeled off his already rather sweaty, damp and clinging shirt, reached down for the small tool bag he'd brought with him, and got to work opening the ac unit's casing.
The Big Shot
**The Big Shot** **Commission for Dirk Pawz** **by Mog Moogle** The sound of the crowd blurred in cheers and jeers like the bright lights of the arena. Shoes squeaked against the well polished hardwood as flurries of red and black, and white and...