A New World Ch 2: Nathan

From what dan could make out it was just an old stone archway.

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Temple of the Sexes

At the back of the cave was a shrine with torches on either side of a large stone archway. in front of the archway was the statue of two divine looking figures, one standing over the other.

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Chapter 43: Death is Unfair

The flowered archway stood on a shrine that depicted no goddess statue, and no demigods had been carved to guard it for all time.

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Forgotten Gods Part 1: Dragon, falcon, mouse

The temple complex was the size of a town, soaring archways and resplendent pillars of purest white marble everywhere to be seen.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Myre's Milestone 1b

Lady marion slumped to the ground, looking at the now empty archway.

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Stepping through that archway, covered in its vile symbols, felt like stepping into my own grave. though at the time i paid it little mind. i felt safe enough.

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The Orphan book 1 chapter 4

"when placed inside an archway or doorway it opens the doors to are world."

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F&F:TY Chapter 1

I jumped up trying to figure out just what to do i ran to the archway that led into the kitchen and froze as the door opened. "sorry! forgot my briefcase again!" said a familiar voice, it was antai.

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Prince Chiraevon's Stand

When you're dressed walk through the archway, i'll hold them off!"

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Delving Duo

Looking at the many archways leading deeper into the city it was obvious that this had been a courtyard of some kind.

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Last Updated 4-24-12 (Pics of the setting for the story my life as a furry)

[gate](http://www.gb-provence.com/documents/ecole_lakanal_1.jpg "archway to storage area") * * * [!

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Frosty Loops - Chapter 11: "End of the Timeline"

Frosty yelped as the shaking grew intense enough to topple him as well, catching his fall and promptly clambering into the corner of the archway.

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