“Sweet Justice: A Khajiit’s Revenge” A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion

**"Sweet Justice: A Khajiit's Revenge"** A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll's IV: Oblivion Within the Provence of Cyrdiil, just twenty to thirty miles away from the trade town of Leyawiin. It is here at a poor but fairly well constructed chapel...

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“Sheath Shots: A Furry Drinking Game”

**"Sheath Shots: A Furry Drinking Game" -:Best Played with Gay Sheath Dick Furs:-** Last night while knocking down shots of Jager, I thought up this fun adult drinking game. The game is played like this: First off you need...

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“Where Are You Sugar?”

**"Where Are You Sugar?"** A young seventeen year old male Cougar named Jake was busy surfing the web on his computer and checking out the mating sites that were online. He had his right paw wrapped around his hard shaft and was slowly jerking...

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“The Fox Hunt: The Story of how Ginger A. Bush-Tale met his Mate"

**"The Fox Hunt"** **The Story of how Ginger A. Bush-Tale met his Mate** Out in the beautiful countryside of England, a bunch of young foxes where running around, playing and having a ball, just then an adult female fox yelled out to them; "It is...

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The Nine Month Extension

**The Nine Month Extension** Female Death Row, also known to those working here at the prison as FDR. A place where convicted female criminals wait out state sanctioned exaction for capital crimes. Thankfully the number of inmates waiting on FDR rang...

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"When a Wolf Is Starving"

A young grey wolf, somewhere between the ages of sixteen or seventeen, named Francis was relaxing on his bed, wearing nothing but his hearts and bones boxers and currently text arguing with his girlfriend. _\<Com on babe letz jus go4 it while we r...

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Tale of Dire Wolf Hunter: “First Rights!”

_Note: This smut tale is a throw-off of a smut story I wrote only for my mate D Ocelot, just to clarify for ya, Dire Wolf Females in this story have six breasts, just saying so you don't think I made a mistake! \*giggles\* Any of you straight furs want...

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Story Inspired By Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls Skyrim: "A Khajiit in the Capital Wasteland"

"What ya say Jake?" Marcus the wasteland merchant asked to his favorite customer and friend, a human cat hybrid named Jake who was busy looking over a number of broken laser rifles. "Meh..." Jake huffed as he picked up and moved aside one of the broken...

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To Wanting Something Bad Enough

"How did it all happen? I honestly don't know..." Said a teenaged male wolf dressed in rugged clothing, carrying a dirty and hand repaired school backpack that had written in black ink on its single shoulder strap Life's a bitch! In his right hand he...

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"Oh god I am so fucking dead!" - An Anthro Husky Brother on Sister Incest Tale

Within a small rural Alaskan house located just thirty minutes away from Soldotna, out in a countryside area, a young adult Malamute husky male around 17 years of age named Sumo, was tossing and turning in his bed and oddly enough was trying to cover...

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“A Sister's Tongue Bathing Fantasy - Sister on Brother Mild-Incest Tale”

It was forty-five min after twelve, just about everyone in the house was sound asleep, all except for a seventeen-year-old female timber wolf with bleach white fur named Tasha. Tasha stood at her doorway, the door was open just enough for her to poke...

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The Arcane Warrior - The Art of Combat and Survival Without Blade or Heavy Steel Vol#1 Destruction

**YOUR DESTRUCTION HAS INCREASED!** Fire, frost and lightning are the prime weapons at hand for those who use the School of Destruction to smite down their foes. A reckless mage often gets carried away using heavy spell fire to take out a single...

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