The delicious dragon of truth

A tale from the faraway Unova region speaks of a legendary dragon Pokémon, a dragon composed of pure white wings of truth, who brought the powers of triumph to those that were enlightened to the truth. Those that opposed her, supporting the ideals of...

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Phox Phat

The sunlight peered through the forest canopy, casting light on the rotten berries on the forest floor, decomposing and giving back to their descendants through their wooded ancestors. More importantly, the shade that the leaves provided gave the...

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Devilish Deeds

The black-bricked castle towered on the cliffs above the moor, watching the corrupted valley where dreams once lay, now destroyed by the sheer demonic influence present within the region, where a joyous village once sat was now a morgue, surrounded by...

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Royal Feast

We're taught that man is the master of the wolf, but sometimes the wolf needs to teach the man who the _real_ master is. "L-Link?! What on earth are you doing!?" The Hyrulian princess screamed out hopelessly. Link's quarry was cornered right where he...

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Socialite Supper

"You wanted to see me, girls?" The Mismagius socialite stepped into her spacious bedroom, her red dress' sequins glittered from the light reflections, emphasizing her petite yet curvaceous bust, her shaded behind contained the zipper to her dress,...

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Speaking to the Manager

It ain't easy working retail... The loud chattering and whining of 6 pm patrons had long departed, the sun had only recently tucked behind the folds of the serpentine sea on the south-east area of centrico island, the buzz on the beach had all but...

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Every day starts with the most humble beginnings, even the most bizarre ones. _PING!_ The equally cut golden slices of bread launched from the recoiling metal from within the toaster, landing back down within the device, protruding more in length than...

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Valentine's Treat

"You want me to do what?!" Em barked, her jaw swung open at her mate's suggestion the Braixen had never been met with such a bizarre suggestion as the one she had just heard. She leaned back against the singular pillow sitting in a purple fabric on the...

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Failed Capture

_Clack Clack!_ A Pokéball, Purple in nature tumbled to the floor. Designed to capture any pokémon without failure, yet it completely missed its target, crashing into the ground where an unsuspecting Lopunny once stood. Yet, she leaped with elegance and...

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Bonding Exercise

_"Mmmmffff!"_ Violet called out into her room, the bond around her mouth muffling her yelps. The Absol was lying on her bed; soft, purple sheets calmed her front where the burning latex ropes didn't bind her body together. The air tickled her exposed...

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Delicious Dessert

_"This place is seething!"_ Em thought to herself, the sweltering desert was harder to traverse than the Braixen initially anticipated. The heat was unbearable, even for her species. The sweat rolled between her newfound breasts, drenching her...

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Trails and Tribulations - Descended Spirit, the complete saga

This is the first ever story series I uploaded on the internet. I don't fondly reflect on this due to its poor quality and poorly developed characters. However, it was a learning experience for me, and it was reuploaded here for archival purposes. This...

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