Responsibilities-Part Three

Responsibilities Part Three Christian entered the room just in time to see the wolf trying to wrestle the remote out of the older boy's paw. After a couple of failed swipes, the wolf quickly gave up and went back to his side of the couch, folding...

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Responsibilities-Part Four

Responsibilities Part Four Christian ran down the street towards the park, figuring that Eric would have probably went that way first. He did not bother to put on his hood to shield himself from the slight drizzle, but even through his thick...

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Hammer and Chisel

Hammer and Chisel By Dirt The sound of smashing glass and cursing could be heard from Vincent's garage. It had been several months since he had an outburst that dealt with his work. It was not like his work was the most strenuous thing one would...

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Company By Dirt Alex shifted through his pockets idiotically. The coyote rested his body up against the side of the doorway, no longer able to support himself. The coyote had been at the bar the entire night, blowing his paycheck on beer and burgers....

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A New Hole

A New Hole By Dirt The badger's facial expression remained the same for the past couple minutes. His eyes were as wide as two eggs and his pupils were shrunk down to two little pin tips. If his eyebrows could raise themselves any further, they would...

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Valentine By Dirt Timothy gives off loud grumbles as he forces the door to his house open and stomps his way inside. The walls shake a bit as he slams the door behind him in anger and exhaustion, glad that his day was finished. Tim had not been...

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Servitude By Dirt Michael stopped his work to reach down and rub his knees. The cold slabs of marble tile spared no mercy to him as he did his work. The cheetah had been down on all fours inside of the main ballroom, scrubbing the tiles in...

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Dog Park: Part Two

Dog Park: Part Two By Dirt Jake caught the ball again and turned back towards Pat. The kangaroo was too excited about his game to notice that Pat had company with him. His eyes were closed and he was running quickly back to his boyfriend. The freedom...

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Dirty Little Freaks: Part One

Dirty Little Freaks Curiosity By Dirt Francis leaned up against the doorway to his bedroom and let out a long sigh. The genet stared back at his room, shaking his head in disappointment. The room was littered in boxes with vague descriptions of the...

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Asylum By Dirt Stoaty let out a long sigh. It was going to be another excruciatingly long day stuck inside his padded cell. The four padded walls and the padded floor beneath him lost its entertainment after the first couple hours of his first day...

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Ryan and Flare

Hello fellow readers! This is my first story on Yiffstar, so please leave a comment on your opinion about it. This is mainly just an introduction chapter, made to show the characters, and to see how I write stories. So this chapter doesn't contain any...

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Fitting a fox for a dragon... part one ;)

Fitting a fox for a dragon... part one Johnni Foxpaw Mahler stepped from the limousine and pulled off his sunglasses, after a tour with his band it had been three months since he had been home. The door to the Miami mansion opened slightly before out...

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