I close my mind

I close my mind but still I weep. I close my hands but still I freeze. I hide my sight but still it burns. I swallow my sorrows but still they rise. I shout my fears but still they haunt me. I close my mind but still I weep.

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Kyle and Kari *Dedication*-Chapter One

\*Well, this is the first of the story series that I am doing for my new friend Kohaku Nightfang. Mostly, I posted this short little snippit so that you (Kohaku) could tell me what you think, and to establish the beginning of the story. I'm still...

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Chapter Six- Roberta

**Fur Watching** Nghia watched the four furs sitting around him with interest. He wasn't listening to everything that they said, but he was paying just enough attention to get the gist of the conversation. He studied the subtle, telling movements on...

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Random Dungeons and Dragons Inspired Story

So I haven't submitted much over the last few months, and I really regret that. I have tried to find the time, but life has been rather busy for me lately. I have gotten some control over my life now, and I hope I can upload more frequently, and I will...

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Chapter 7: Away They Go

**A Long Ride Down a Dark Street** The young dalmatian male looked out on the night sky, his eyes wistfully hazed and his whiskers twitching. He was seated in the passenger seat of a police squad car, wearing a police uniform over his speckled,...

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Primal Instincts Part Four- Sunlit Reflections

Okay, part four! I didn't want to have a sex scene in here, and though there is some mentioning of sexuality throughout the story, you won't find an explicit scenes like in the earlier posts. Hope you enjoy this! Please, comment, rate, etc....

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Primal Instincts Part Five- Forward Into That New Hope

"So, when will we go to your pack's village?" Kasala asked her mate as they rested together in her den. The two black pelted wolves were lying intimately close with their bodies intertwined. "As soon as we are ready," the Alpha male answered. ...

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Primal Instincts Part Six- The Beginnings of Love

\*\*\*Just so you know, you're going to be a little lost if you didn't read parts four and five. I am saying this here because I'm pretty sure that more people will look at this entry since it has yiff. I didn't do that to appease you; I'm still a...

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Primal Instincts Part One- Howl to the Moon

\*\*\*Okay, so you have to get through a fair amount of reading for this one, but after that, there's a sex scene that I think is my best one yet. Enjoy! Oh, and by the way, disclaimer stuff, na na na na, you know the...

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The First Morning Together...Again

So, this is in need of a rewrite, but I've decided to keep it posted while I do so so that people can read it. Please note that this is listed as part five, and 'Alone At Last' is part four, but that isn't actually where they fit in with the story. I...

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Alone At Last

Chronologically, this scene is way ahead of part three, 'The First Morning Together'. At first, I didn't intend to put much behind this story, but people have really liked it, so I'm going to keep at it. 'Alone At Last' and 'The First Morning...

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Skyrim Mini-Story The Death of Edion Silvarius

Okay, so I randomly decided to do this little story because I am obsessed with Skyrim right now. I felt like it was a pretty fun idea, so I thought I'd share it. Please comment, and do know that it was rushed, so not everything is correct, but do tell...

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