What Are Friends For?

"She's in hospice, again." Barry said, slowly hanging up the phone. The wolf rubbed his temples with one hand while the other rolled the seam of his jeans between his thumb and forefinger. "Maria said she probably wont last a week." He felt his wife's...

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What Are Friends For? - Preview

"She's in hospice, again." Barry said, slowly hanging up the phone. The wolf rubbed his temples with one hand while the other rolled the seam of his jeans between his thumb and forefinger. "Maria said she probably wont last a week." He felt his wife's...

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The ship hurdled through space at high warp, ready to stop at the nearest starbase and resupply. They had just come from a jungle planet teeming with life. They had plucked a few specimens from the eco system and caged them away in the ship's cargo...

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Breaking Faith

These negotiations were becoming more and more frustrating as time went on. Castranymph's king was stubborn in his terms of treaty. But he asked too much of the angels. He wanted too much and was willing to give so little. Demitre dipped his quill in...

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Starfox - Sargasso Sluts

The last assault had left the Sargasso Space Station damn near uninhabitable. Most of the inhabitants had been either vaporized or sucked out through the gaping holes left by a hyper-blast from a fucking light carrier. White not altogether devastating,...

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Praxeum Jewel of Mercy

It had been terrible. So terrible. In only a few weeks, she'd lost everyone. Her mother. Her father. Her unborn baby sister. They were all gone. Jewel was alone. Even most of the kids in her school disappeared almost instantly. The infection spread...

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Starfox - What She Deserves

He was always so awkward! It was adorable at first. He would stutter and stammer, stumbling over every statement and observation. She would be remiss if she said she didn't love that part of him. But Krystal had needs. She needed to be taken out. She...

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Kung Fu Panda- Serenity's Embrace - PREVIEW

It was a beautiful day outside. Sunny. Warm. Just enough breeze to make her fur ripple along her body and gently blow the Avondale leaves from their branches once in a while so they could gently fall to the ground in a gentle snow. It was a fine day to...

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The snow was falling, but not as bad as it had been. Last week, Jason hadn't been able to see past his snout! When it was all over, his little cardboard house had collapsed, freezing him to his core despite the thick winter coat he wore. But now, the...

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Star Wars - The Inner Light

"How can you preach patience when he is out there now!?" She turned, pacing back along the damp grass atop the stony island. The wind whipped the loose strands of hair about her face and the bottom of her rather long tunic lashed out angrily behind...

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Her cell phone ringing brought her out of her dream and awake instantly. The ringtone, a face paced techno bit from some movie she couldn't remember at this hour, was one she'd set specifically for urgent calls. Her heart pounded as she rolled away...

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Containment - Preview

Her cell phone ringing brought her out of her dream and awake instantly. The ringtone, a face paced techno bit from some movie she couldn't remember at this hour, was one she'd set specifically for urgent calls. Her heart pounded as she rolled away...

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