Sean part 6: the birthday

I was woken up to clinks on my window; I yawned and rubbed my eyes when I heard the clink again. I went over to my window and looked out I saw Sean throwing little stones, I lifted the window "Sean, what is it" I asked...

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Sean part 5: a good night

It was seven o'clock when I felt my phone vibrate it my pocket, I pulled it out and there was a message from Craig, _Hay buddy how's things and how was school_ _Great I have a date tomorrow_ _Oh Daniel that's...

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Sean: part 4: a new life

Craig got the papers and my suitcase from his car and walked me to the house. "So you like them" He asked "I do they are the nicest couple and I think I will be happy here and plus they are sending me to the same school" I...

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Sean part 3: when life starts to look better

I walked into the house and Dad was waiting on the chair "Hi dad" I said walking to the stairs "Shut the fuck up and get the upstairs" dad responded I nodded and went into my room and unpacked my bag till I felt my t-shirt...

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Sean part 2: horrid night great day

I was 200 meters from my house when I was knocked to the ground and then kicked in the side "Well well well and here I thought you weren't going to show up" Gary said, the other two cheered as he kicked me again. Gary got me by the...

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Sean part 1:the first meet

When your locked in a room every day with a glass of water and a sandwich of just two pieces of bread and butter being your only meal, You think what have I done to deserve this, Why is my own father doing this to me. The answer to these...

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the Dalmatian under the tree part seven

-Eli stood over Tyler holding his lifeless paw crying, the tears fell from his eyes, as they ran down his cheeks he looked over the Dalmatian he used to call his own. Eli bent down and gave Tylers forehead a kiss "Goodbye Tyler, I love...

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Prison love part 5

i wanna thank all of you who have followed this seires from the beginning. i hoped you enjoyed it and i will be taking a little break for i will be turning my series The Dalmatian under the tree into a book ^^ i hope you all have a great time till i...

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Prison Love Part 3

OMFG ITS DONE CELEBRATION TIME okay enough celebration anway thank you all for being very patient for this chapter ^^ i hope none of you were sitting aat the computer click refresh hoping to see it pop up ^.=.^ if you did DO SOMETHING!!!! now before...

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Prison Love Part 4

That night was the coldest nigh I had ever endured; it was so cold that even though I had covers and my clothes I felt like I was lying in snow butt naked, my teeth were chattering as I lay in the little ball I had curled myself into "Matt are...

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Prison love part 2

~~~three days later~~~ After three days of a lot of paper work, photos, lectures from my parents and a lot of support from my friends, I was sitting in the third row of the rusty old shit bucket that they so laughably called a...

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GBL High: Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten Body warmth The dark blanket covered the sky soon enough as the day continued. The temperature dropped, the insects began there evening symphony, and soon after a quick dinner, the group of teenagers found themselves around the fire,...

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