Tinsel's time

"Dinner's over scales!" Halda shouts from over the bar. I get up off the ground and look at the tin bowl I'm forced to eat out of like some dog. I'd not even gotten to eat the two bread crusts that made up my 'dinner' for the evening, perhaps I could...

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Vore Day 2022

Mori, a cormorant of about average size, was swimming about looking for a fish. He'd come to this specific lake to find a very specific fish. He scans the waters and finds what he's looking for, kicking his webbed feet to quickly cover the distance....

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Easter eggs

"Happy Easter!" David says happily as Johnny opens the door. The rabbit had been having a really tough heat so far and his appearance showed it, his fur was a mess and the large top he'd thrown on to answer the door had stains all over it. "I...

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Johnny's long black ears twitched against the soft pillow below them as he dreamt of nothing in particular. He had all but dived into his bed after his recent activities the past few weeks. Who knew that actually doing the writing prompts for...

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"S-so you're sure this is safe?" Johnny asks laying on his bed as David fiddles around with the equipment. "Yeah, It's fine. This is one I've done before; just relax and prepare yourself." The rabbit had looked over the prompts for the second day of...

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"This is a stupid idea," Johnny states as he and his friend, David, walk through the shopping centre. They had come to the shopping centre because Johnny needed to buy new clothes, his old ones practically falling to pieces. The lights of the place...

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