Fennix race sheet part 5 (sub species)
This causes their disease infested bacteria to spread easily. the bacteria are modified to harbour diseases, just being near one of these fennix is a great risk.
Fennix race sheet part 3 (reproduction)
The pups are capable of handling a lot of bacteria and acids as they grow up, the only reason they don't get developed in the stomach of another fennix is because of the bacteria would not be able to recognize them, and the pup would risk being digested by
Extracting one of the new bacteria, he found that it retained the extraneous genetic material, but had also absorbed some from the protein bath.
United Through Two Worlds Chapter 8
No one is allowed out" "have they found any bacteria yet?"
Anthropomorphic Biology
Microscopic bacteria that live inside, and outside the animal. most of these bacteria can be harmful to us, so when we smell these odors, our bodies are telling us, if you consume this, you may die.
Fountain of Youth: prologue.
The water seemed to act on virus and bacteria as well. one of the known side effects of the water was a short time of infertility and it kept these micro-organisms from multiplying.
Hell Sucks Chapter One
_** a look of happiness crossed bloodlial's face as he opened up the container that the bacteria was held in, held it over ariel's stomach, and poured it all over him. the response from both the bacteria and ariel were quick.
A Tale of Woe
The biomass of the dead bacteria that settle to the ground will begin to enrich the soil to support organic life.
Day 40 7:10 AM 1/4/2023-Chapter 10-Cult Stop
I could just filter the water for the truck, bacteria wasn't an issue. but as far as drinking and cooking went i had to make sure the water was free of any bacteria, as well as agent six. i began slowing the truck.
The Mook Maker, Chapter 12: Path to Ruin
But most of those sicknesses were caused by bacteria... "narita." i said, turning to one of my companions, "if your power drains life, i need to get rid of anything around those bodies down to bacteria, to disinfect it so to speak."
Prayer into the Dark, Part 1
While results have so far been satisfactory i highly doubt the recombination bacteria is ready to be used on human beings." "then what do you suggest?" dr.
The Worst That Could Happen
Within the space of two hours the entire neighborhood's population had fallen prey to the bacteria. soon the hordes of bacteria were spreading over the city like a cancer.