Hypnovember - Day 6: Accidental
Was exceedingly formal and this was how he spoke to all women; or, the barista was exceedingly kinky and this was how he spoke to all women.
Sticky Justice
With the barista stuck behind the counter, enil had plenty of time to reach into his pocket, nice and slowly in front of the delayed red panda. he took out a small matchbox and, before the barista could even respond, lit a match.
Kinktober Day Twenty: Dirty Talk
Behind the counter, even the barista couldn't help herself. she'd pulled one of the plastic spoons from the counter and had unsnapped her uniform so she could thrust the handle between her legs.
Good Ol' Boys
Pinching the bridge of his nose, the corpulent barista sighed. it wasn't for himself, no; he quite enjoyed his job.
Always remember Chapter 1
I leaned on the counter while the barista prepared my coffee. the barista handed me my coffee and i walked over to the window table. i pulled out my laptop, wiped off the water with my paw and fired it up.
All Eyes on Them
She was subtle about it, but not so subtle that the two baristas currently cleaning and preparing for the lunchtime rush in a couple of hours couldn't notice.
All Eyes on Them (A Jeeves Flash Prompt, Posted with Permission)
She was subtle about it, but not so subtle that the two baristas currently cleaning and preparing for the lunchtime rush in a couple of hours couldn't notice.
Warm Up - 19 | Half
barista work was very simple in essence. hell, even the people who he observed working before made it seem so easy.
Quick Coffee
The only other person was the barista, a rabbit he recognised from his last few trips. she looked up from her own phone to offer a toothy smile. "hi there! what can i get you today?"
I am the Manager
Normally, i didn't volunteer to take over for daniel's employee's breaks but given the fact that one of his baristas quit the day before without any warning, the st. bernard somehow convinced me otherwise.
Crushing The Competition (Pilot)
"i'm on break," the barista said as she untied her apron and ducked out of the employee's entrance.
The Tale of Sydran Part 3 (Anonymously Commissioned
The barista let out a sigh of satisfaction in response. "yeah, guess you're right... guess i just worried i wasn't doing enough for you, y'know?" "wasn't doing enough?"