Shadow Warriors: The Great Enemy Ch.2

Zengist smiled bigger than ever before, and i know he is enjoying watching this bloodbath. "ha-hahahahahahahahahaaaaa! not half bad, warrior. your skills splendid, however they are nothing compared to me, now die!!!"

Poetic Justice (Pt2)

A large brown and gray scythed creature stood at the edge of the forest, along with a dark-skinned raggedy human next to it...and they were spying on misty, who was having too much fun in an unfortunate and disgusting bloodbath.

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Shadow Warrior: The Great Enemy - Ch.2 Revised

By the looks of it, he must be enjoying watching this bloodbath. "ha-hahahahahahahahahaaaaa! not half bad, warrior. your skills are splendid. however they are nothing compared to me, now die!!!" zengist leaps to the air and using his special technique.

Defiant Blade #1

It ended in a bloodbath, her melee weapons smashing skulls open and her blades slitting throats and gutting her enemies.

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Red Storm Ch. 6

It's a damn bloodbath in there." he said. yuri gripped the stock on his ppsh-41 and misha quietly muttered to himself. "welcome to the gates of hell.." a mortar shell hit near enough for the truck to swerve a little.

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Hope for Africa

Setting: kinyanwi, rwanda date: july 23, 1994 the entire scene was a bloodbath, more devastating than any nightmare the young wolf from london had ever seen in his life.

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My Mom is Dating a Werewolf Epilogue

If they were all huge and cunning like randall was, it would be the greatest bloodbath in history. i hope that bernie will keep the peace and not allow his anger get the best of him like it has for everyone else.

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 35

#36 of phoenix coven - book 1 chapter 35 draconic bloodbath once bishop let out his roar, everyone stopped and looked up at the patio, even the hunters. mick looked at bishop, seeing his eyes glazed over with pure white!

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MidNight Ride

It was a bloodbath. the lion moaned, his nostrils flaring with exhaustion. one last squeeze to his victims sides and he erupted, his thick steamy cum filling her insides like a cannon.

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Dawn of Chaos Pt 3

I turned my head away from the bloodbath below and shifted to face my captor, the chains binding my hands and feet together rattled along the floor as i looked into the marble face of my opposite. "one day you will pay for this."

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Final Hope

The ones in his field of vision gripped their weapons tightly, yellow eyes flitting to their king, awaiting the signal to turn things into a bloodbath.

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The assembled throng was split between those calling for any nearby adult to come in and break them up, and those pumping their fists and cheering it on in the hopes of seeing a bloodbath.

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